Statement on Corbett’s Relase of 45 million: “The governor is no friend to Philadelphia public schools.”
The Philadelphia Coalition Advocating for Public Schools fully welcomes any additional funding for Philadelphia public schools and applauds Governor Tom Corbett’s decision to finally release $45 million in federal funds for Philadelphia Schools. We also applaud the many parents, students, teachers, and activists who rallied tirelessly to demand this money from the governor. However, it is importa
Statement on the Resignation of Pedro Ramos
The Philadelphia Coalition Advocating for Public Schools wishes Pedro Ramos and his family the best as he resigns his position as School Reform Commission Chairman. In light of this news, we call on Governor Corbett to appoint a replacement that will support fully funded Philadelphia schools.
The SRC is the unelected body that governs the Philadelphia School District and is largely controlled by the governor. It has been responsible for passing the Philadelphia schools “doomsday” budget closing schools, cutting staff, and ending programs. It has voted to unilaterally weaken teacher seniority rules. We urge Governor Corbett to replace Ramos with a chair fully dedicated to improving and supporting Philadelphia schools, not
Rallies at Seven Schools for Full Funding Friday #6
- Reaching out to Parents
- “Save School Counselors”
- At Spruance Elementary
- At Hill Freedman School