Protests as City College Closes a Student Center
Officials at City College insisted that a room’s charged history was not a factor when they decided that it would be better used as an annex for the school’s career services office.
Portland Association of Teachers supporters rally at Portland School Board meeting
Portland Public Schools and the Portland Association of Teachers have been negotiating for a new labor agreement since April but still remain stuck on several issues.
The Best College Jobs… While You’re In College
The Best College Jobs… While You’re In College by Scott Weingold Any job you take during college is a good one. That’s because it shows employers you can balance school and work at the same time. The best college jobs, though, are the ones that help you land the career you want, right after you’ve graduated. And if you really want to get a leg up on these jobs, be sure to make your way — sooner ra
Whose voice is in your Leadership Circle?
When making decisions, having discussions, or troubleshooting topics on your campus, how many people are involved? How many voices have input? I think it’s important to have several…in fact, I can give you some perspective on 4 voices that I think NEED to be involved in practically all of your campus decisions. A quadrant of leadership, if you will. First voice, the Boss. The head honcho. The one
Leading Innovative Change Series: Embrace an Open Culture
I wanted to try my hand at writing a series of blog posts on “Leading Innovative Change.” As I am looking at writing a book on the same topic, I thought I would put some ideas out there and hopefully learn from others on these topics. I also want to give these ideas away for free. These posts are for anyone in education, but are mostly focused on school administrators. In all of these, the idea th
Breaking Bounds with Autism
Laura Mackenzie was diagnosed with autism at the age of 7. Today, she is a student at Metropolitan State University in Denver. Picking at a muffin in a campus cafe, Laura Mackenzie says she and her parents thought she’d go to college, “but pretty much everyone else didn’t.” Cheerful and matter-of-fact, the 23-year-old recounts troubled years that included difficulty walking and expressing herself,
NAACP Increases Efforts to Target College Students
Mikaela Ferrill, the vice president of the Georgetown University NAACP chapter with Hilary Shelton, the bureau chief of the D.C office of the NAACP. WASHINGTON, D.C.—For as long as she can remember, Georgetown University junior Mikaela Ferrill has been an active member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Ferrill, 20, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, attended her fi
Get Schooled: "We need those standardized college admissions tests."
Patrick Mattimore is a former high school teacher and an adjunct professor in the Temple University/Tsinghusa University LLM program. He wrote this essay in response to recent AJC stories on how SAT scores often align with family income. Among the AJC pieces that Mattimore saw was a column by ...
Advocacy Groups Urge Arne Duncan to Get Tough on NCLB Waivers
In a letter sent to the department today, these groups express deep concerns about waiver implementation, from how graduation rates are factored into accountability systems to how subgroups of at-risk students are being helped. Click the headline to read the full post. Questions? Email