Sorry Late Wink
Fighting the Google Cloud Monster
Ali: “You must listen to me” | the becoming radical
Ali: “You must listen to me” | the becoming radical: ALI: “YOU MUST LISTEN TO ME”1972James Baldwin declared in his No Name in the Street:The truth is that the country does not know what to do with its black population now that the blacks are no longer a source of wealth, are no longer to be bought and sold and bred, like cattle; and they especially do not know what to do with young black men, who
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Using Burke's Law to rip-off city schools
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Using Burke's Law to rip-off city schools: Using Burke's Law to rip-off city schoolsWhile Rahm Emanuel continues to blame school budget cuts on retirees' pensions, his machine partner Eddie Burke is getting fat ripping off the schools by helping corporate pals avoid paying property taxes. In doing so, Burke has the full cooperation of Rahm and his City Hall legal dep
Diane Ravitch’s ‘error’ on privatizers vs. innovators | Digital
Diane Ravitch’s ‘error’ on privatizers vs. innovators | Digital: Diane Ravitch’s ‘error’ on privatizers vs. innovatorsDiane Ravitch’s Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America’s Public Schools will undoubtedly be the best-selling book on school reform released in 2013. Ravitch’s 2011 bookThe Death and Life of the Great American School Systemwas a bestseller,
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: How much does a pig weigh? The Miami Heat’s Shane Battier. A joke: A biologist, a chemist, and a statistician are out hunting. The biologist shoots at a deer and misses five feet to the left. The chemist takes a shot and misses five feet to the right. The statistician yells, “We got ‘em!” Anne and I
Pauvre, Pauvre NYC Charter Schools? | School Finance 101
Pauvre, Pauvre NYC Charter Schools? | School Finance 101: Pauvre, Pauvre NYC Charter Schools?Posted on October 8, 20130 Rate ThisThere’s nothing really new in this post. I’m just revisiting data and figures that I’ve addressed over and over in this blog – drawn from this report and this conference paper. I’m reposting this information because many seem to quickly forget or totally ignore wha
Education Research Report: Advocates for “Portfolio School Districts” Oversell their Product
Education Research Report: Advocates for “Portfolio School Districts” Oversell their Product: Advocates for “Portfolio School Districts” Oversell their Product‘Portfolio district’ reform is among the most dramatic and fast-growing changes to public schooling over the past decade. But its growth has not been matched by supporting research evidence. In fact, little research evidence is available at
Full Funding Friday #5 | WeArePCAPS
Full Funding Friday #5 | WeArePCAPS: Full Funding Friday #5Posted on October 8, 2013by wearepcapsThis Friday, Oct. 11, as part of our ongoing Full Funding Friday Campaign, we will be holding rallies at 7 schools, with parent, staff and student speakers. We will be circulating our petition for full funding, distributing buttons and stickers with the yellow full funding school bus and we will help
NYC Public School Parents: Parents and advocates comment on today's charter school march
NYC Public School Parents: Parents and advocates comment on today's charter school march: Parents and advocates comment on today's charter school marchArthur Z. Schwartz, Advocates for Justice:; 917- 923-8136Leonie Haimson, Class Size Matters: ; 917-435-9329Sam Pirozollo, NYC Parents Union: ; 917-533-3437 Today, Eva Mosk
Faith in Social Mobility Isn't Enough - Bridging Differences - Education Week
Faith in Social Mobility Isn't Enough - Bridging Differences - Education Week: Faith in Social Mobility Isn't EnoughBy Deborah Meier on October 8, 2013 8:52 AMDear Mike,Wow. You've raised enough hackles to start a healthy debate. My response in short: It's not a matter of "faith in social mobility" as your title suggests, but a matter of having the political will to make it feasible.
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 10-8-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Geaux Teacher Reviews “Reign of Error”Lee Barrios in a national board certified teacher in Louisiana who blogs as Geaux Teacher. She writes an open letter to the state legislators, recommending the book as the necessary antidote to the fluff they are certain to hear from Bobby Jindal. She begins; “Dear Louisiana Senators/Representa
10-8-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Andrew Cuomo Accused Of Corruption Cover-UpSheriff Andy is pointing fingers at all the crooks in Albany - but the crooks are pointing out he's a crook too:ALBANY — When Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo created the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption in early July, he promised a muscular response to bad behavior by legislators that included allegations of bribe taking, favor trad
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: The Best Resources On The Importance Of Saying “I’m Sorry”I’ve written several posts, and discussed in my books, the importance of saying “I’m sorry” to students. I just discovered another useful related article, and thought readers might find it helpful if I brought all of those posts together. Here are my past posts on th
10-8-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Tuesday 9AM: Counter Charter School Rally at City HallDon't Forget the Counter Charter School Rally at City Hall This Tuesday Morning @ 9AM.Various progressive education groups and individuals will be rallying at City Hall near Chambers Street to counter the angry Charter School cabal because Mayoral Candidate Bill DeBlasio vows to have charter schools pay rent for their school sp
The GED Test Is About to Get Much Harder, and Much More Expensive - Kavitha Cardoza - The Atlantic
The GED Test Is About to Get Much Harder, and Much More Expensive - Kavitha Cardoza - The Atlantic: The GED Test Is About to Get Much Harder, and Much More ExpensiveThe new version of the exam has tougher questions and a higher registration fee--plus it requires computer proficiency. Kiana Rucker dropped out of school when she was 15 years old to look after her younger brothers and sisters. Five y
Every Public School Should Be An NYZ: A No Yelling Zone. | Ward 8 DC Teacher
Every Public School Should Be An NYZ: A No Yelling Zone. | Ward 8 DC Teacher: Every Public School Should Be An NYZ: A No Yelling ACINTRONJR • OCTOBER 8, 2013Have you ever worked in a public school where teachers often yelled at students? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen educators yell at students. Now, before you think I’m completely innocent, I can assure you, I’m not. I’ve had s
Louisiana Educator: Building the Plane in Flight
Louisiana Educator: Building the Plane in Flight: Building the Plane in FlightScott Richard, Executive Director for the Louisiana School Boards Association, pointed out some of the serious problems with the new Common Core State Standards in recent comments to the Press Club. I agree with Richard that the standards are being rushed into full effect without adequate preparation. BESE and the State
OECD Skills Test: U.S. Adults Lag In Practical Workplace Skills
OECD Skills Test: U.S. Adults Lag In Practical Workplace Skills: OECD Skills Test: U.S. Adults Lag In Practical Workplace SkillsPosted: 10/08/2013 5:01 am EDT | Updated: 10/08/2013 8:10 am EDTThe scores for what's billed as the world's most comprehensive adult skills exam are out -- and it's bad news for Americans.Americans performed below the international average on math, reading and problem-s
Eduflack: Where Are the Parents in Education Nation?
Eduflack: Where Are the Parents in Education Nation?: Where Are the Parents in Education Nation?Ask @leoniehaimsonNYC Public School ParentsWith day one of the 2013 Education Nation Summit in the books, and day two offering up a terrific array of speakers, one has to be impressed. Throughout yesterday's program, participants heard from many of the nation's leading education voices — superintendent
Report: Californians make more, but pay less toward education than those in other states | EdSource Today
Report: Californians make more, but pay less toward education than those in other states | EdSource Today: Report: Californians make more, but pay less toward education than those in other statesOctober 8th, 2013 | Add a Comment | By Kathryn BaronCalifornia has made some historic strides in it efforts to boost school funding and provide additional resources to the neediest students, but a new repo
And Then I Met A Teacher | Connected Principals
And Then I Met A Teacher | Connected Principals: And Then I Met A TeacherOctober 8, 2013By William ParkerHe met a teacher, and it changed everything.Jim Wengo was fresh out of high school when he started working at the local butcher shop. But his high school agriculture teacher, John Krivokapish, had other plans for him. When he heard of an area college work study program for those who could score
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: CHARTER SCHOOLS AND THE FUTURE OF PUBLIC EDUCATION: CHARTER SCHOOLS AND THE FUTURE OF PUBLIC EDUCATIONBY STAN KARP IN RETHINKING SCHOOLS | VOLUME 28 NO.1 - FALL 2013 | HTTP://BIT.LY/1CPPAVLEthan Heitner7 October 2013 :: Somewhere along the way, nearly every teacher dreams of starting a school. I know I did.More than once during the 30 years I taught E
Anger in the Heartland Over Unfair Teacher Tests | toteachornototeach
Anger in the Heartland Over Unfair Teacher Tests | toteachornototeach: Anger in the Heartland Over Unfair Teacher Tests by Alan SingerCortland, New York is dairy country. The town and the State University of New York campus in Cortland are surrounded by dairy farms. Many of the students at the college come from the local area. This is where they grew up and this is where they want to stay. Many pl
Yes, you do have time to read
Yes, you do have time to read: Yes, you do have time to readBy Valerie Strauss, Published: October 8 at 4:00 amE-mail the writer0CommentsMore(istockphoto/Perkmeup Imagery)Wish you had more time to read? Well, you probably already have the time, says cognitive scientist Daniel Willingham, professor and director of graduate studies in psychology at the University of Virginia and author of “Why Don’t
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog: Veto Halts Bill for Jury Duty by Noncitizens in California
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog: Veto Halts Bill for Jury Duty by Noncitizens in California: Veto Halts Bill for Jury Duty by Noncitizens in CaliforniaCLICK HERE FOR THE FULL ARTICLE NY TIMES For noncitizens in the United States, people have limits to their rights. Recently in Los Angeles, Governor Jerry Brown vetoed a bill on Monday. The bill would've made California the first state to allow
High Tech, Immigrant Families, and Public Libraries (Sondra Cuban) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
High Tech, Immigrant Families, and Public Libraries (Sondra Cuban) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: High Tech, Immigrant Families, and Public Libraries (Sondra Cuban)Sondra Cuban is Professor of Adult Education at Western Washington University (Bellingham, WA). She was a researcher and teacher at Lancaster University (UK) for seven years. Her most recent book is: Deskilling M
Saving Public Ryan | Gary Rubinstein's Blog
Saving Public Ryan | Gary Rubinstein's Blog: Saving Public RyanThere’s nothing more dangerous than a first year TFAer who is having an easy time. And don’t tell them that they’re having an easy time or they will protest that it is not easy, but actually the toughest thing they’ve ever done in their lives. But the fact is that although most new TFAers are struggling to control their classes and a
L.A. Unified releases complaints against school board president -
L.A. Unified releases complaints against school board president - L.A. Unified releases complaints against school board presidentComments0EmailShare1L.A. Unified school board President Richard Vladovic, shown here at his 2011 swearing in, is the target of two complaints that he acted improperly. One employee accused him of sexual harassment, while another alleged verbal harassment and
Stop Common Core Curriculum Rally in Louisiana: at the October 15th BESE meeting | Crazy Crawfish's Blog
Stop Common Core Curriculum Rally in Louisiana: at the October 15th BESE meeting | Crazy Crawfish's Blog: Crazy Crawfish's BlogZesty Louisiana Education PoliticsStop Common Core Curriculum Rally in Louisiana: at the October 15th BESE meetingPosted on October 7, 20130As of right now dozens and scores of parents and teachers are planning to attend next week’s BESE meeting to address the BESE council
Week in Class: Week Four and Five 2013
Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Week in Class: Week Four and Five 2013Week in Class: Week Four and Five 2013 Yes, yes, yes, I’ve been an awful correspondent. First, I was working on the recent visit that Diane Ravitch made to Sacramento, when I got “the cold”. You know that one that either creeps slowly (or at lightening speed) through a classroom. That was me. I took a day off to be sick
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog: Mob Rule: Are we reverting to the lawless way of an 'eye for an eye'?
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog: Mob Rule: Are we reverting to the lawless way of an 'eye for an eye'?: Mob Rule: Are we reverting to the lawless way of an 'eye for an eye'?For those of you who wish to view the original article:, folks. Looks like this is another case of violence. They just keep piling up.
Thug Governor refuses to grant corporate tax giveaways to billionaires who donate to other reelection campaigns | Reclaim Reform
Thug Governor refuses to grant corporate tax giveaways to billionaires who donate to other reelection campaigns | Reclaim Reform: Thug Governor refuses to grant corporate tax giveaways to billionaires who donate to other reelection campaignsPosted on October 7, 2013by Ken PrevitiImagine a thug governor who demands that legislators cut earned teacher pensions or he will pull the trigger on the legi
HOW TO CURE THE EVER INCREASING ATTENTION SPAN CRISIS | Teachers Fight Back: HOW TO CURE THE EVER INCREASING ATTENTION SPAN CRISISleave a comment »I am no longer a voice in the wilderness when it comes to urging teachers to teach students to maintain attention. I’ve found a partner. Barry Schwartz is a professor of psychology at Swarthmore College and has written an opinion piece about the ever-in
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog: A Police State in the Works: The Militarization of the Police Force
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog: A Police State in the Works: The Militarization of the Police Force: A Police State in the Works: The Militarization of the Police ForceIt seems to hold true that in the United States we value our police in a biased manner. We want them to be around if any sort of trouble may occur, yet we don't want them to constrict our freedom in such a way that these dutiful servant
NYC Educator: Better Recork that Champagne
NYC Educator: Better Recork that Champagne: Better Recork that ChampagneA few days ago I reported that anyone with three or fewer classes was exempt from the Advance system of junk science grading. I based this on a PowerPoint I was shown, from someone who wrote it in good faith. Over the past few hours I've learned that this is in dispute. A highly-placed source in the UFT tells me that it's not
Bullying Education Resources »
Bullying Education Resources »: Bullying Education ResourcesCompiled by Katie Gould, Teacher Resource Producer for the PBS NewsHourOctober is National Bullying Prevention Month. The resources below are designed to provide educators with a variety of quality materials that they can use in the classroom to authentically teach students about the topic of bullying.SubjectsBullying EducationEstimated T
Philly schools chief talks about budget crisis at NBC education summit | Philadelphia Public School Notebook
Philly schools chief talks about budget crisis at NBC education summit | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: Philly schools chief talks about budget crisis at NBC education summitby thenotebook on Oct 07 2013 Posted in Latest news="" style="color: rgb(76, 153, 72); cursor: pointer; float: left; padding: 0px 2px;">Share on emailMore Sharing ServicesCOMMENTS (0)PRINTby Holly Ott
Nite Cap 10-7-13 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPTODAYCharter School Defenders Insist They are "Private Entities" - Living in Dialogue - Education Week TeacherCharter School Defenders Insist They are "Private Entities" - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: Charter S
Charter School Defenders Insist They are "Private Entities" - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher
Charter School Defenders Insist They are "Private Entities" - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: Charter School Defenders Insist They are "Private Entities"By Anthony Cody on October 7, 2013 5:26 PMOver the past several years we have become accustomed to hearing that "Charter schools are public schools too," from advocates of their expansion. However, when
Throughout October: Early Childhood Education — Whole Child Education
Throughout October: Early Childhood Education — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOGThroughout October: Early Childhood EducationOctober 7, 2013 by Klea ScharbergWhat does "education" mean for our youngest learners? The first years of school are as important for an educated population as any other period, perhaps more. Additionally, research shows that implementation of high-quali
Teachers For Social Justice: TAKE BACK CHICAGO!
Teachers For Social Justice: TAKE BACK CHICAGO!: TAKE BACK CHICAGO!OCTOBER 7, 2013 LEAVE A COMMENTJoin thousands of community and union members to launch a powerful shared economic justice platform.TAKE BACK CHICAGOOctober 15thUIC Forum725 W Roosevelt Rd Chicago, Illinois 60607 5pm Rally and March6-7:30pm MeetingRegister at MEETING OCT.
FL Superintendents say ‘Pause’ on testing … I do like the sound of that. #BaDaBaDaBaDaBa | Continuing Change
FL Superintendents say ‘Pause’ on testing … I do like the sound of that. #BaDaBaDaBaDaBa | Continuing Change: FL Superintendents say ‘Pause’ on testing … I do like the sound of that. #BaDaBaDaBaDaBaSlow down, you move too fast. You got to make the morning last. Just kicking down the cobble stones. Looking for fun and feelin’ groovy. Ba da, Ba da, Ba da, …FL Superintendents say ‘Pause’ on testing …
Bob Dylan, Meet Steve Jobs | Connected Principals
Bob Dylan, Meet Steve Jobs | Connected Principals: Bob Dylan, Meet Steve JobsOctober 7, 2013By John MarschhausenHe wasn’t known for playing an instrument.He didn’t go down in history as a great songwriter.But, part of the legacy Apple founder Steve Jobs left behind was music.Jobs transformed the music industry (at least, that is the gist of the caption under his photo holding an iPod at Cleveland’
10-7-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online:MORE Weekly Update #70: Are you coming out for Win Back Wednesday?You should be getting the idea of why you should drag your ass over the 52 Broadway this Weds (Oct 9) for the 4PM "Win Back Wednesday" rally. Certainly if you read my earlier piece on what is going on in Newark where the pressure of an insurgent social justice oriented caucus has led to the Unity style lead
Time to start covering the many data thieving operations in our state and around the nation. . . | Crazy Crawfish's Blog
Time to start covering the many data thieving operations in our state and around the nation. . . | Crazy Crawfish's Blog: Time to start covering the many data thieving operations in our state and around the nation. . .Posted on October 7, 20130 I’ve been promising for some time to cover some of the many secret and not-so-secret grants and data operations that will result in your data, and your chi
10-7-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum:Last Day to Register to VoteLink to voter Melissa Westbrook / 27min 10-6-13 Seattle Schools Community ForumSeattle Schools Community Forum: Garfield UpdatesThe Garfield High School Associated Student Body does not condone harassment, abuse, intimidation, humiliation, violence, or bullying of any kind. We support and encourage inter-class unity by con
School quality is tied home prices in new study. But other factors may affect values. - The Washington Post
School quality is tied home prices in new study. But other factors may affect values. - The Washington Post: School quality is tied home prices in new study. But other factors may affect values.By Kenneth R. Harney, Published: October 3 | Updated: Friday, October 4, 6:55 AMIt’s a key question for many home buyers who have or plan to have young children: We want a house in an area with good schools
Daily Kos: Leaves on the Current - so far so good
Daily Kos: Leaves on the Current - so far so good: Leaves on the Current - so far so goodbyteacherkenFollow Email 4 Comments / 4 NewOn Saturday, my wife began the neuprogen injections designed to increase the generation of her Stem Cells. Today we went to Fairfax Hospital to have a Quentin catheter put into her chest to allow for the extraction from her peripheral blood and the eventual reinj
Remarks of AFL-CIO President Richard L.Trumka, 2013 AFL-CIO National Convention Keynote
Remarks of AFL-CIO President Richard L.Trumka, 2013 AFL-CIO National Convention Keynote: "AFL-CIO President Richard L.Trumka, 2013 AFL-CIO National Convention "Remarks of AFL-CIO President Richard L.Trumka, 2013 AFL-CIO National Convention KeynoteSisters and brothers, it’s time to tear down the barriers, remove the boundaries between workers. It’s time to stop letting employers and polit
Patience for the Unconnected | My Island View
Patience for the Unconnected | My Island View: Patience for the UnconnectedOctober 7, 2013 by tomwhitbyConnected educators may be the worst advocates for getting other educators to connect. Too often they are so enthusiastic at how, as well as how much they are learning through being connected, that they tend to overwhelm the uninitiated, inexperienced, and unconnected educator with a deluge of in
10-7-13 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE:Returning from a successful trip to Douglas County, CO.Tim and I, along with the Edushyster, visited Douglas County, CO as they gear up for a contentious school board election. All politics are indeed local. From the kitchen of one of our hosts, we have a live broadcast with a panel of guests engaged in this fight. Listen Shaun Johnson / 8min 10-6-13 @ The Chalk Face@ THE
Cali Education Headlines Monday, October 7, 2013
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: L.A. schools Supt. John Deasy defends iPad program in TV specialEducation HeadlinesMonday, October 7, 2013Capo classified employees reluctantly accept new contractA new labor deal with Capistrano Unified School District’s chapter of the California School Employees Association includes more furloughs. The union’s president says members are unh
‘Drill and Kill’ Testing Scrutinized at 2013 Education Nation Summit | NEA Today
‘Drill and Kill’ Testing Scrutinized at 2013 Education Nation Summit | NEA Today: Drill and Kill’ Testing Scrutinized at 2013 Education Nation SummitOctober 7, 2013 by twalker Filed under Featured News, Top StoriesLeave a CommentBy Cindy LongThe fourth annual Education Nation Summit is underway in New York, and one of the stars of the show is NEA member and high school teacher Jesse Hagopian. The
The Philanthro-Baron Has No Clothes | EduShyster
The Philanthro-Baron Has No Clothes | EduShyster: The Philanthro-Baron Has No ClothesHow mega-foundations are undermining our public schools and eating away at our democracyPhilanthro-barons like Bill Gates have more power and influence than ever before.Reader: it is well established that the richest Americans have billions of ideas for how to improve our failed and failing public schools. In fact
Believe In Newark - Ras J. Baraka For Mayor 2014
Education: .Education Policy StatementChildren need a well- organized public school system designed to educate everyone regardless of race, national origin, language, gender, or disability. A good public education system ensures the well-being of our society. To accomplish this we must consider all of the following:Great Schools Have Resources: Finance Equity Matters.Abbott V. Burke sought to p
CHIEF LAUSD ATTORNEY DAVID HOLMQUIST- ABOVE THE LAW? - CHIEF LAUSD ATTORNEY DAVID HOLMQUIST- ABOVE THE LAW?(Mensaje se repite en Español) I feel like I'm living in The Twilight Zone when LAUSD's Chief Attorney David Holmquist can get away with the following statements and neither Reporter Barbara Jones of the Daily News, UTLA, or any other entity charged under law with defending the
Mixed reviews to Common Core highlight of Education Nation Town Hall | HechingerEd Blog
Mixed reviews to Common Core highlight of Education Nation Town Hall | HechingerEd Blog: Mixed reviews to Common Core highlight of Education Nation Town HallStudents and teachers at the annual Education Nation town hall on Sunday expressed mixed reactions to the Common Core, mirroring divisions in the wider national conversation about new standards in math and English adopted by 45 states and the
10-7-13 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Tony at the Red Line Tap. “Hey, Klonsky,” Marty mumbled as she arranges the Doritos Cool Ranch tortilla chips on the shelf. “Marty. A friend of mine served me some Pliny the Elder from California. An IPA. You should carry that.” “It’s a west coast thing, Klonsky. Russian River. We can’t get it here.
There is blame in this shutdown…Meanwhile families hit in the gut | Lily's Blackboard
There is blame in this shutdown…Meanwhile families hit in the gut | Lily's Blackboard: There is blame in this shutdown…Meanwhile families hit in the gutOct 7th, 2013 by Lily.We’re educators. When there’s a fight on the playground, we separate the kids and often (and often wrongly) scold both children who point fingers at each other, and say to them so all the playground can hear, “It takes two si
One City's $88 Million Plan to Send More Kids to College - Sophie Quinton - The Atlantic
One City's $88 Million Plan to Send More Kids to College - Sophie Quinton - The Atlantic: One City's $88 Million Plan to Send More Kids to CollegeIn 2008, Syracuse started ramping up K-12 academic support and promising graduates full college tuition. Now it's rising above the national averages for college enrollment. Vinh Ho always knew he was going to college. Even though English wasn't his first
Morning Wink 10-7-13 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSTODAYSchooling in the Ownership Society: 'Vulture-Fund Billionaire' Paul Singer is big charter backerSchooling in the Ownership Society: 'Vulture-Fund Billionaire' Paul Singer is big charter backer: 'Vulture-Fund Billionaire' Paul Singer is big charter backerMother Jones overturns a rock and shines a light on neo-con "vulture-fund billionaire" Pa