NYPD Cop Took Part In Vicious Motorcycle Gang Attack
We'll let this story speak for itself: An off-duty undercover cop was charged with felony criminal mischief Tuesday after smashing the window of a Manhattan driver’s SUV in a fit of rage during a biker-mob attack, sources said. “He totally lied when he said he did nothing [to help the victim] because he didn’t want to blow his cover,’’ a law-enforcement source seethed. The 29-year-old detective wa
Arne Duncan, As Usual, Totally Incoherent On Education
This is from the Morning Education email from Politico:Although Education Secretary Arne Duncan couldn't attend MSNBC's Education Nation event in person due to the shutdown, he was on hand via satellite to deliver tried-and-true talking points about the flaws of No Child Left Behind and the merits of college- and career-ready standards. NCLB's "laser-like focus on a single test score led to a
The press is back on a teacher witch hunt once again, probably the last one of the Bloomberg years.Articles have come from both the Daily News and the Post smearing teachers in the rubber room as perverts, criminals and/or freaks.Those of us who work in the system know that anybody can go to the rubber room, all it takes is an allegation and an administrators who wants to get rid of you.The allega
Andrew Cuomo Accused Of Corruption Cover-Up
Sheriff Andy is pointing fingers at all the crooks in Albany - but the crooks are pointing out he's a crook too:ALBANY — When Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo created the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption in early July, he promised a muscular response to bad behavior by legislators that included allegations of bribe taking, favor trading and embezzlement. But three months later, according to people
10-7-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Daily News Shills Play Fast And Loose With Facts On Charter SchoolsThe neo-liberals at the Daily News have an editorial today supporting Eva Moskowitz's walk across the bridge protest for charter schools.As usual with the DN, they play fast and loose with the facts:The innovative approaches, longer school days and longer school years they offer — almost always carried out by