Racial Inequity Undeniable in U.S. | the becoming radical
Racial Inequity Undeniable in U.S. | the becoming radical.
Amanda Ripley, Believe Her or Not!
Since Amanda Ripley was assigned to do the Time story with Michelle Rhee on her broom, she has been the darling of CorpEd. And with no study of education (BA in Government, Cornell) and no schooling in Journalism (BA in Government, Cornell), she is perfectly suited for the task of taking the latest bullshit from […]
--Schools Matter @ The Chalk Face
SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE: Obama’s Failed Hope and Change: “Forget the politicians. They are irrelevant” | the becoming radicalAbout three decades later, I joined the majority of voters in the U.S., electing the first bi-racial (often called simply African American) president in the country’s history. At the time, however, I voted for Barack Obama primarily because I believed his election wa