Top Ten Reasons I Joined Teach for America by Kai Merikal
Kai Merikal, a twenty-two-year-old from Wisconsin, will be teaching fourth graders in Newark, New Jersey beginning in September. Below she shares her reasons for joining Teach for America.
10. I didn't get into law school... yet.
9. I want to be sainted.
8. I believe that if teachers just expect their students to learn, they will.
7. How hard could teaching really be?
6. Because I'm blind to the long-term consequences of my actions.
5. My other temp job didn't offer health insurance.
10. I didn't get into law school... yet.
9. I want to be sainted.
8. I believe that if teachers just expect their students to learn, they will.
7. How hard could teaching really be?
6. Because I'm blind to the long-term consequences of my actions.
5. My other temp job didn't offer health insurance.