The Stop Common Core Argument: There is no one "common" path or yellow brick road to educational excellence.
Follow the educational reform yellow brick road! We now have standards that will make our kids college and career ready! STEM jobs will surface because our students will now know science and math! Common Core will enable students to be ready for 21st century jobs! Don't worry that the proponents don't list exactly what those 21st jobs are. No, no, listen to the CCSS proponents and education will morph from black and white film technology into technicolor.
Common sense would tell you if a salesperson tells you about a product and how fantastic it is, but has no proof of what he/she is selling is an actual item (such as a list of 21st century jobs), you wouldn't pay for that product. It would be similar to giving money to a shyster who insists he/she has a product that will work but can't show you the product he/she promises will produce the effects promised.
It's the same for the CCSS claims. They are not researched based and cannot be backed up by data. For a