Bridgeport Parents Respond to Charter CEO Attack
Bridgeport parent leaders responded forcefully to an attack on their schools by Jennifer Alexander, the leader of ConnCAN.
Alexander claimed that charters in Connecticut outperform public schools and that 65,000 students are trapped in failing public schools. She certainly knows the corporate reform script.
The parent leaders wrote:
“As Bridgeport public school parents and elected parent leaders, we find it insulting that a paid charter school proponent is attempting to speak on behalf of a community she has no involvement with. Ms. Alexander does not
Alexander claimed that charters in Connecticut outperform public schools and that 65,000 students are trapped in failing public schools. She certainly knows the corporate reform script.
The parent leaders wrote:
“As Bridgeport public school parents and elected parent leaders, we find it insulting that a paid charter school proponent is attempting to speak on behalf of a community she has no involvement with. Ms. Alexander does not
TFA Cleans Up in North Carolina, Where Privatizers Run Legislature
As an earlier post showed, Governor Mark Dayton of Minnesota vetoed $1.5 million earmark for Teach for America, noting that the organization has $300 million in assets and thus no reason to be charging the state for its bright but poorly prepared recruits. But TFA scored big in North Carolina, where the reactionary legislature handed over $6 million a year to TFA. This from a parent activist in North Carolina:
The NC Senate just passed their version of a budget in which State support for TFA will total $6 million in both
EduShyster: Wall St Is Only Thinking About the Kids
What happened when the head of the biggest charter chain in Illibois had a frank conversation with Wall Street investors?
EdShyster listened in. This is what she learned.
EdShyster listened in. This is what she learned.
Good News: Texas Legislature Reduces Number of Tests to Graduate; Bad News: More Privatization
The good work of many parent organizations and local school boards achieved a positive result yesterday when the Legislature passed a bill reducing the number of tests needed to graduate high school from 15 to five.
Public sentiment was strongly opposed to the massive testing regime that had grown out of control and beyond reason.
More than 80% of the state’s local school boards had passed resolutions opposing high-stakes testing.
And the parent groups led the charge to persuade the legislature that testing had become a burden, not a means
Public sentiment was strongly opposed to the massive testing regime that had grown out of control and beyond reason.
More than 80% of the state’s local school boards had passed resolutions opposing high-stakes testing.
And the parent groups led the charge to persuade the legislature that testing had become a burden, not a means
Gov. Dayton Joins the Honor Roll
Governor Mark Dayton vetoed an earmark (set-aside) of $1.5 million for Teach for America. The governor quite reasonably noted that TFA is a wealthy organization with $350 million in assets and saw no reason the state should pay to rent more of
them. He suggested a competitive bidding process. Here is his veto message.
For his recognition that Minnesota needs a cadre of highly professional, experienced teachers, for his willingness
them. He suggested a competitive bidding process. Here is his veto message.
For his recognition that Minnesota needs a cadre of highly professional, experienced teachers, for his willingness
Khan Academy Receives $2.2 Million to Develop Common Core Lessons
The Khan Academy received a grant of $2.2 million from the Leona and Harry Helmsley Trust to create math lessons aligned to the Common Core.
Harry Helmsley was a real estate baron in New York City. When he died, his wife Leona inherited his huge estate. She was convicted of tax evasion and went to prison. She once memorably said, “only the little people pay taxes.” She was known as “the queen of mean.” Her only son died of a heart condition, and Leona sued her
Harry Helmsley was a real estate baron in New York City. When he died, his wife Leona inherited his huge estate. She was convicted of tax evasion and went to prison. She once memorably said, “only the little people pay taxes.” She was known as “the queen of mean.” Her only son died of a heart condition, and Leona sued her
Diane in the Evening 5-26-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Why Does a Low-Income School in Tampa Beg for Books? by dianerav Here is a low-income school in Tampa that put out a public appeal for books. It needs $3,000 for books. The superintendent makes $263,000 a year. *LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 5-26-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all* mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Haimson Rebuts Bloomberg, Walcott b... more »