Duncan Protest Planned at AERA
by Jim Horn
For the first time since I can remember some members of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)—the largest association of educators and educational researchers in the world—are taking a public stand at AERA’s annual meeting in San Francisco against the corporatization, standardization and privatization of education.
Sadly, the leadership of AERA has invited Arne Duncan, who represents and supports the technocratic, dehumanizing forces of privatization to speak on Tuesday, April 30, 3:45 p.m. at the Hilton Hotel. This and other actions by the AERA serve to support the dismantling of education as a public good, narrow the possibilities of what it means to research, know, learn and share our understandings, and marginalize and silence voices of dissent.
We are inviting teachers, administrators, students, parents and concerned
Do My Blogs Count?
by plthomasedd
This blog site is a virtual collection of educators writing about education. For many of us, then, we have already ventured into the Brave New World of scholarship that academia has refused to acknowledge. Please, dear reader, consider venturing to this blog post of mine about “a riskier, less tidy mode of scholarly production.” I’d love to [...]