This quote from The Rude Pundit offers the best riposte to those who don’t want to offend more nervous folks at CCSF:
“We don’t make great leaps forward anymore for fear of upsetting someone, some previously powerful group or some corporation or some industry or some herd of drooling idiots. Instead, we get milquetoast, over compromised baby steps. The politics of politeness is the politics of capitulation.”
I always hope that those of us who seek compromise sooner than later understand that those of us who strive more forcefully towards the ideal of what City College should be and do so with firm resolve, fully comprehend the contribution of political pressure we mount against the overwhelming power of the Corporations and the State that we are up against.
Imagine if you will if the Coalition to Save CCSF had never been formed. Imagine the students, if they had dutifully continued to pursue their studies and not Occupied Chancellor SS’s headquarters overnight. Imagine if the Campuses were not drawn into our struggle. Imagine if the March to City Hall never manifested the thousand