A new Connecticut oriented pro-corporate education reform blog has appeared.
The stated reason?
“Unfortunately, the naysayers and protectors of the status quo seem to be the only ones being heard. There needs to be an informational voice to even the playing field, to hold the obstructionists accountable and most of all, put the kids first!”
This rationale comes from the blogs owner, Pat Scully, a political operative, apologist for Governor Dan Malloy and former press aide to the Connecticut Senate Democrats. Scully also worked for a brief period of time for Sullivan & LeShane, a Republican serving lobby company. In addition, Scully served as the campaign manager during former gubernatorial candidate Jim Amann.
Scully’s press release today claimed that his blog, “is intended to be a balancing and informational source for readers to get objective information about education reform in the state.”
Scully’s press release implies that the new blog is not affiliated, in any way, with ConnCAN, 50CAN, StudentsFirst, Achievement First, Council for Education Reform or any of the other corporate education reform groups.
However, in a rather funny side note, the graphic of the graduation cap on his blog is
Beware of AstroTurf Ed Reformers
Just Like Michelle Rhee's Students first only BETTER
Astroturf lobbying refers to political organizations or campaigns that appear to be made up of grassroots activists but are actually organized and run by corporate interests seeking to further their own agendas. Such groups are often typified by innocent-sounding names that have been chosen specifically to disguise the group's true backers
Just Like Michelle Rhee's
Students first Astroturf lobbying (only Better)
Other Astroturf lobbying groups
Just Like Michelle Rhee's
Students first Astroturf lobbying (only Better)