The Conservative Brookings Institute | Firedoglake:
By: masaccio Sunday August 5, 2012 10:40 am | |
Scott Winship, looking well-groomed and well-fed. And did I mention that 15% increase in median net worth since 1970?
The Brookings Institute was once a bastion of liberal thought, so much so that it was hard to find a reference to it that didn’t begin with “The Liberal Brookings Institute”. Its scholars were top-notch exponents of liberal values, and its reports and studies were widely reviewed and accepted. It was so important that when the conservative movement to control public discourse got underway, it was the model for the American Enterprise Institute, an openly neo-conservative, not to say, Paleolithic, perch for right-wing loyalists waiting for government positions.
Now, though, it has become the Alan Colmes of think-tanks, fake liberals who meekly accept conservative mythology on every major point, but says we should at least think of the misery we are causing. Here’s an example. Scott Winship is a fellow in economic studies at the Brookings Center on Children and Families. He recently
wrote a piece explaining that it is no big deal that there has been a massive decline in median wealth in this country as a result of the housing crash and the Lesser Depression. After all, he says, the median net worth increased 15% between 1970 and