Finally People are Talking About Medicaid
By Lisa ShapiroAugust 9, 2012
As a Medicaid advocate for almost two decades, I’ve done a lot of writing and other agitating about the uninsured and the importance of Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for the poorest kids in our country. Over the years, my colleagues and I have worked hard to raise awareness about Medicaid and CHIP to be sure that all kids are able to get the medical care they need be healthy, like routine check-ups and vaccines, care for ear-infections, asthma, allergies, stitches, and broken arms, as well as care for special needs kids and those experiencing serious illnesses. We like to think lots of people were paying attention but we know the reality – very few were hearing our message.
Like everyone else, the Supreme Court’s decision on the Affordable Care Act came as a surprise. I am certainly concerned about the ruling’s impact on the very poorest and most uninsured segment of our population (a blog for another day), but with Medicaid now in the daily headlines, this is a good time to try again to get the word out about how important Medicaid is for kids. For starters, did you know that in 2011, 45 percent of all kids in America – 35.3 million – relied on Medicaid or CHIP for their health insurance? While this is a shockingly large portion of the child population, it shouldn’t come as a surprise given that nearly 25 percent of kids in America live in poverty. I regret the Court’s decision but now that people are talking about Medicaid I wanted to share the facts about Medicaid, how it works, who it covers, and why it is essential for kids.
Here is what every American needs to know:
Medicaid is Designed to Help People When Times are Tough – That’s the Point.Medicaid serves an essential role in our health care system because it ensures that our nati
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