Ultra-Right Heartland Institute Compares Belief in Global Warming to Mass Murder
The ultra conservative Heartland Institute is holding its 7th annual anti-scientific “international conference on climate change” in Chicago on May 21st to the 23rd. (Seehttp://heartland.org/events/seventh-international-conference-climate-change) To draw attention to the conference, the well-funded Heartland started an ad campaign comparing people who believe in global warming to murderers.
(Below is an New York Times article on their ad campaign.)
May 4, 2012 NYTimes
May 4, 2012 NYTimes
Heartland Pulls Billboard on Global Warming
By RACHEL NUWERHeartland Institute A billboard campaign: Ted Kaczynski, whose homemade
bombs killed 3 people and wounded 23.
Drivers moving along Chicago’s inbound Eisenhower Expressway on Friday may have been surprised to see Ted