SVA Names For-Profit Schools with Revoked Charters7 hours agoWASHINGTON, DC –Today, Student Veterans of America (SVA) published a list of 26 for-profit institutions whose SVA charters had been revoked. The removal of SVA chapters resulted from a routine, annual review of all chapters. "SVA chapters must be established and led by student veterans. Student veteran organizations in development, or created by university administrators, defeats the fundamental spirit of the SVA chapter,” said Michael Dakduk, Executive Director of Student Veterans of America. "In addition to being a peer support group, SVA chapters exist as campus and community based advocacy organizations. It appears that some for-profit schools do not understand our model, or worse –they understand our model and they choose to exploit it for personal gain.” This is important because: 1) it defrauds veterans seeking advice from SVA’s student leaders; 2) it deters veterans who would otherwise form chapters at these campuses; 3) it misrepresents these chapters as being a point of contact for veterans seeking out their peers who can help them with transition |
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