Big Education Ape: PARENTS CAN!
Published by Coopmike48 – 7 news spotters today
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Deion Sanders and his charter school - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post - Deion Sanders and his charter school - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: Deion Sanders and his charter schoolBy Valerie StraussStuff you can’t make up: Deion Sanders, who has been cited for m...

National Resolution on High-Stakes Testing #PINEAPPLEGATE #PINEAPPLEREBELLION - National Resolution on High-Stakes Testing: National Resolution on High-Stakes Testing This resolution is modeled on the resolution passed by more than 360 Texas school boards as of April 23,...

Wal-Mart Stores - SourceWatch - From SourceWatch (Redirected from Wal-Mart)Learn more about corporations VOTING to rewrite our laws.Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has more than 2500 stores in the U.S. plus 585 Sam's Clubs. It is the world'...

Why Isn't Closing 40 Philadelphia Public Schools National News? Where Is the Black Political Class? - Printer-friendly versionBy BAR managing editor Bruce A. DixonIf some racist made an inappropriate remark about the First Lady or her children our national "civil rights leaders" Obama fans all of t...

Student Aid on the Web - The information below describes the Income-Based Repayment (IBR) Plan for federal student loans. It includes the IBR eligibility requirements, the benefits of IBR, an IBR payment calculator, and so...

Keeping Student Interest Rates Low - If Congress doesn’t act soon, more than 7.4 million students will see the interest rates on their subsidized Stafford loans double from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent on July 1. Taking out Stafford Loa...

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EducationSee all
And the answer is: MORE Standardized Testing – Hooray!! - Apr 25 jonpeltoBridgeport, Education, Malloy Bridgeport, Education Reform, Malloy, Paul Vallas okay, It is bad enough the Governor Malloy’s “Education Reform” bill adds another whole standardized t...

Dr. Seuss’s ‘Yertle the Turtle’ deemed too political for B.C. classroom - A Prince Rupert elementary teacher has been told a quote from Dr. Seuss’s Yertle the Turtle is a political statement that should not be displayed or worn on clothing in her classroom.The teacher in...

The Problem Is Bigger Than a Pineapple - Bridging Differences - Dear Deborah,The backlash against high-stakes standardized testing is growing into a genuine nationwide revolt. Nearly 400 school districts in Texas have passed a resolution opposing high-stakes te...

SocietySee all

Islam and the Free Market of Privatized Education: - [Sit back and feast on this cornucopia of "insider-trading" in Indiana Education. Is it just me or is there just an odd linguistic "reality" called forth in this partnership? "Indian(a)" and "Tur...

Students, CPS spar over school arrests | catalyst - A student member of Voices of Youth in Chicago Education (VOYCE) holds part of a sign representing the 25 young people arrested on CPS property every day. The student group Voices of Youth in Chica...

Letter to Governor Quinn about Pension Reform - Illinois Governor Pat Quinn Governor Pat Quinn Office of the Governor 207 State House Springfield, Illinois 62706 Dear Governor Quinn: I watched your press conference last Friday where ...

PoliticsSee all
Teachers union poll: Voters split on Emanuel’s job performance - Chicago Sun - By ROSALIND ROSSI Education Reporter April 24, 2012 8:40PM Updated: April 25, 2012 2:24AM Chicago voters are evenly divided on Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s job performance — with increa...

Teachers union poll: Voters split on Emanuel’s job performance - Chicago Sun - By ROSALIND ROSSI Education Reporter April 24, 2012 8:40PM Updated: April 25, 2012 2:24AM Chicago voters are evenly divided on Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s job performance — with increa...

Flurry of Bills Introduced to Stop Student Loan Rate Hike - Politics K-12 - So now that Gov. Mitt Romney, the presumptive GOP nominee, and President Obama have both said they'd like to stop interest rates on student loans from doubling on July 1, lawmakers in Congress are ...

BusinessSee all
Wal-Mart and ALEC: Time to End Ties - Wal-Mart and ALEC: Time to End Ties: Why Hasn't Wal-Mart Dropped ALEC, Too?Your Take: Time for nation's largest retailer to end ties to group behind "Stand your ground" law.By: Bill Fletcher Jr. | ...

Student Aid on the Web - The U.S. Department of Education (the Department) began offering Special Direct Consolidation Loans to eligible borrowers in January 2012. This is a short-term consolidation opportunity, ending Jun...

Art & EntertainmentSee all

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon - Slow Jam The News with Barack Obama (4/24/12) - Video - Coach CeeLo Green Hits The Stage In The World Premiere Performance Of His New Single, 'Fight To Win,' Monday, April 23 , 8-10 Pm ET, On NBC's 'The Voice' Performance Show... More »President Barack ...

After controversy over pineapple question on city schools test, a question about a yam stirs new troubles - Photo by AP Tuber troubles on city schools test. Move over pineapple -- the yam talked, too. The state’s fourth-grade reading test included an African folk tale about a talking yam, even though ve...

Student: Video antics of Lincoln High teacher placed on leave did not bother me - The Lincoln High sophomore girl pretending to play guitar next to history teacher Jeff Miller in a video posted to YouTube the day before he was placed on leave says "she didn't think anything of" ...

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#pineapplegateSee all

After controversy over pineapple question on city schools test, a question about a yam stirs new troubles - Photo by AP Tuber troubles on city schools test. Move over pineapple -- the yam talked, too. The state’s fourth-grade reading test included an African folk tale about a talking yam, even though ve...

Big Education Ape: 4-25-12 PINEAPPLE REBELLION... Its Begun! EDition #PINEAPPLEGATE #PINEAPPLEREBELLION - Big Education Ape: PARENTS CAN!:Big Education Ape: PARENTS CAN!Published by Coopmike48 – 7 news spotters todayNext update in about 12 hours See all articles HEADLINES EDUCATION SOCIETY STORIES POLI...

#gradstartupSee all

ED & SBA Host Twitter Chat: Connecting Grads to Resources to Help Them Startup - Cross-posted from Graduation season is right around the corner and to help grads that are looking to start a small business, SBA and the U.S. Department of Education will host a Twitter Q &...

Student Aid on the Web - Your source for free information from the U.S. Department of Education on preparing for and funding education beyond high school.