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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Action Alert: NCLB Waivers, Not A Good Idea Washington State | Seattle Education

Action Alert: NCLB Waivers, Not A Good Idea Washington State | Seattle Education:

Action Alert: NCLB Waivers, Not A Good Idea Washington State

Word has it that the legislators in the state of Washington are considering accepting the NCLB Waiver. Parents Across America says NO and so do I. Actually, NCLB needs to be dropped, dropped kicked, thrown out, burned to ashes on a large pyre and any other description that you can come up with. Instead, Arne & Co. are just trying putting another spin on it.

Up until mid junior-high, my daughter came up through private schools where there were no standardized tests. Wow, what a concept! My daughter loved to go to school. She was great in math and science and came home every night excited about something that she had discussed with one of her teachers. That changed abruptly when we arrived on Mercer Island from California where she attended the public school which was noted for its high WASL test scores. Unfortunately my daughter and I learned first hand what that meant. It wasn’t about learning, it was about memorizing and being able to take a test.That took all of the joy of learning out of my daughter.