91% VS 43%
Ninety-one percent of the students in Chicago public schools are minority children. Forty-three percent of the people in Chicago are white. Where oh where do the white children go to school ? Most are certainly not in the public schools. Most are either in private or parochial schools, or are home schooled.
What are the biggest differences between the Chicago public schools and the private schools ? The biggest differences are in the area of structure and discipline; they always have been. We are now seeing the new public charter schools take a page from the private schools and emphasize structure and discipline. There are many reasons why most Chicago public schools are lacking in structure and discipline. Many of the reasons are very difficult to overcome, but there is one factor that I find ridiculous and inexcusable. Many so-called experts in education have encouraged teachers to accommodate certain types of student misbehavior because of the ethnic or cultural background of the students.
I can remember a workshop I attended on discipline and the instructor gave us many reasons why we should