Who Gets a "Superstar" Teacher?
The NY Times writes about merit pay in post-Rhee Washington, D.C.:
Cerf Charter Report Held Hostage: Day 300
“The most important role for incentives is in shaping who enters the teaching profession and who stays,” said Eric A. Hanushek, a professor of economics at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. “Washington’s incentive system will attract talented teachers, and it’ll help keep the best ones.”
Under the system, known as Impact Plus, teachers rated “highly effective” earn bonuses ranging from $2,400 to $25,000. Teachers who get that rating two years in a row are eligible for a large permanent pay increase to make their salary equivalent to that of a
Cerf Charter Report Held Hostage: Day 300
Let's check the Chris Cerf Charter Report Count-up Clock, shall we?
Oh dear: 300 days since ACTING NJDOE Commissioner Chris Cerf promised a real report on charter school effectiveness - a report that takes student characteristics into account - "as quickly as is humanly possible."
Oh dear: 300 days since ACTING NJDOE Commissioner Chris Cerf promised a real report on charter school effectiveness - a report that takes student characteristics into account - "as quickly as is humanly possible."