On certain momentous occasions
we can acknowledge them without giving full specifics.
Some prefer their exact age not be disclosed, even when it is a birthday divisible by 5.
I will defer to Leave on the Current on that detail.
But I will not let the day go by without acknowledging the occasion.
We have been together for more than 3 decades, married for more than 2. We have been together for more than half of my life, a significantly greater portion of hers - I am older.
As we age, we acknowledge our birthdays and anniversaries. We rarely give one another gifts. In the past we would take one another on surprise trips - for one of my significant occasions she took me to Coolfont in West Virginia, where as I checked in William Rehnquist was in the next line and we had a pleasant conversation. For one of hers I took her on a mystery tour that included among other places staying at both the Homestead and the inn at Little Washington.
Now we go out for a leisurely dinner, in a comfortable setting. Our lives are now inextricably and irrevocably