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Monday, July 4, 2011

#NEARA11 Delegates Approve Obama Endorsement, Dues Increase - Teacher Beat - Education Week

NEA's Delegates Approve Obama Endorsement, Dues Increase - Teacher Beat - Education Week

NEA's Delegates Approve Obama Endorsement, Dues Increase

Despite a lot of hand-wringing, delegates to the National Education Association's Representative Assembly approved an early endorsement for President Barack Obama, and by a good margin: 5,414 delegates, or 72.04 percent, voted in favor, according to results that were just released here.

It looks like I was right after all. (The measure required a 58 percent "yes" vote in order to pass.)

The approval triggers the flow of NEA PAC dollars toward Obama's re-election campaign.

And that's not all. 70.1 percent of the body, or 5,258 delegates, approved the amendment to the bylaws that authorize the $10-per-member annual assessment, 60 percent of which will be used primarily to support the

Oh, Beautiful for Spacious Skies (of Confetti)

nea confetti-ssawchuk.jpg

Confetti cannons at the NEA's Fourth of July celebration!

I am such a happy camper.