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Monday, July 4, 2011

#neara11 School Tech Connect: Swinging Toward Irrelevance

School Tech Connect: Swinging Toward Irrelevance

Swinging Toward Irrelevance

I think Fred's right. If the NEA vote to endorse Barack Obama is a barometer, it's not a good one for the President.

In case you didn't hear, the delegates to the NEA's Representative Assembly in Chicago voted to endorse Barack Obama, without giving the GOP the courtesy of a year in which to nominate a candidate. This, in spite of the President's record on education, which is pretty much the same as George W. Bush's record, plus the appalling Race To The Top and a Blueprint For Reform that makes NCLB look like the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy.

I hope the endorsement at least gets Dennis Van Roekel an invitation to a lunch at the White House or something because that's all they're going to get, and I hope he can make his case in a single meeting because that's all he's going to get. And in a weird way, I'm actually looking forward to seeing the newArne Unleashed, now that there's nothing he can do or say that will earn him even a mild remonstration from the NEA.

Apparently the NEA also endorsed the use of test scores to evaluate teachers, which fits into the theme of