Will Florida’s Ed Commissioner Become an Elected Official Again? Or is this a Decoy for Parent Trigger Legislation?
Yes, if two republican legislators have their way.
LAKELAND | Two legislators have filed a proposed amendment to the Florida Constitution that would return the appointed post of commissioner of education to an elected one. The commissioner and the Department of Education have been directly under direction of the governor’s office since 2003.
State Rep. Ben Albritton, R-Wauchula, and Sen. Joe Negron, R-Stuart, have filed a joint resolution to change the state constitution to make the job an elected position again. The resolution has been in the hopper for weeks, but now, at least on the House side, it is awaiting a hearing in he House Education Committee. It also has been sent to the House State Affairs Committee under the advisory of Chairman Seth McKeel, R-Lakeland, and then it would be sent on to the