Save Our Schools March NEWS
Published by Coopmike48 – 5 news spotters today
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Save Our Schools March and National Call to Action #ows #SOSMarch - Save Our Schools March and National Call to Action:Meet Our New SOS Steering Committee and News from the NCTEAmy Daroszeski Bob George Ceresta Smith Deb MeierDon “Bart” Ba...

The Chinese Fire Drill #89 -

The goofiness of education reform rhetoric - blaming teachers as a group for the ills of poor schooling and then expecting those very same awful teachers to turn around and work their hearts out to remedy those ills is simply goofy I'd probab...

corporate education reform tide is pushed back! « Parents Across America - Nov 25, 2011 leoniehaimson The following update is by Sue Peters, a founding member of Parents Across America and Parents Across America -Seattle, where over the course of the past year, grassroots...

We Are the 99.9% - “We are the 99 percent” is a great slogan. It correctly defines the issue as being the middle class versus the elite (as opposed to the middle class versus the poor). And it also gets past the comm...

coopmike48 Real life slaying horrifies Shakespeare town - Democratic Underground - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 Needy Vietnam veterans get $1,500 in ShopRite gift cards - - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 Adults have to make the world less coarse - - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
EducationSee all
Inquirer Editorial: New SRC trying to show that it's learned its lessons | Philadelphia Inquirer - With a scandal over apparent favoritism being shown in awarding a charter-school contract, followed by the forced resignation of the district's superintendent, Philadelphia's School Reform Commissi...

Resistance building to Rahm's school closings. - "CPS policies have destabilized schools in our community," said Jeanette Taylor, a parent leader with the Kenwood group whose children attend Mollison and Robinson schools, both of which have b...

Race to the Top Mandates Impossible to Implement - In the Republican Party, presidential debates candidates like Mitt Romney and Herman Cain tout their business executive experience and claim expertise at job creation. Former Governors Rick Perry a...

SocietySee all

Police Captain Ray Lewis Joins in OWS Think Tank - Excerpt: "'The police are protectors of the one percent, but they do not feel secure in that role,' said Lewis. 'New hires on the force have their pensions cut to about 50 percent of what they used...

The Shocking Truth About the Crackdown on Occupy - US citizens of all political persuasions are still reeling from images of unparallelled police brutality in a coordinated crackdown against peaceful OWS protesters in cities across the nation this ...

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Art & EntertainmentSee all
Holiday reflection, and resolve, at Occupy L.A. - When Thanksgiving Day arrived at Occupy L.A. on Thursday, campers greeted the occasion in true revolutionary form: They boycotted the holiday's name. "We are calling it International Giving Thanks ...

#owsSee all

Police Captain Ray Lewis Joins in OWS Think Tank - Excerpt: "'The police are protectors of the one percent, but they do not feel secure in that role,' said Lewis. 'New hires on the force have their pensions cut to about 50 percent of what they used...
#sosmarchSee all
- DianeRavitch
- DianeRavitch
- mikeklonsky
Editor's note
Save Our Schools March & National Call to Action!