Who Has Been The Best U.S. President for Education?
I participated in a recent web-based discussion answering the question: which U.S. President was the “best” for education since the 1930s. The moderator offered each participant the opportunity to take a President from an earlier period or just restrict one’s self to the last few decades. The definition of “best” was left to the participant. I voted for Lyndon Baines Johnson (1964-1969) as the “best” education President. My reasons are below. The forum can be accessed at: http://learningmatters.tv/blog/web-series/who-was-americas-best-education-president/7879/
Who would you vote for? Why?
Four facts convinced me to vote for LBJ as the “best” education President.
FACT 1: Under President Lyndon B. Johnson, the federal role in schooling had expanded dramatically since