Damn Good Education Daily
Published by Coopmike48 – 22 news spotters today
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The Evidence on Charter Schools
huffingtonpost.com - In our fruitless, deadlocked debate over whether charter schools "work," charter opponents frequently cite what is often called the CREDO study (discussed here), a 2009 analysis of charter school ...

some thoughts on a Saturday morning
dailykos.com - Before I became a teacher, I spent 20 years in data processing, as it was then called. While I was very good at programming computers and debugging the problems in programs written by others, my r...

The Weird, Evolving Story of the New School Occupation « Student Activism
studentactivism.net - Ten days ago a group of students from campuses across New York City occupied a suite of rooms at the New School at 90 Fifth Avenue. They set up a blog, released a statement, and settled in to work....

You Have Free Speech, So Long as it is Appropriate - Living in Dialogue
blogs.edweek.org - We are seeing our First Amendment right to free speech redefined by the practices being carried out by our government. In Kansas, high school student Emma Sullivan, 18 years of age, has been ordere...

When Good Intentions Make Us Stupid :: Frederick M. Hess
frederickhess.org - by Frederick M. Hess • Nov 16, 2011 at 9:38 amCross-posted from Education Weekhttp://www.frederickhess.org/2011/11/when-good-intentions-make-us-stupidWhile I was gone, there were any number of cl...

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Thanks2Teachers RT @mrsjoananderson@nancyflanagan @DianeRavitch testing is about distracting the public from the true problem- POVERTY #edchat #edreform2 hours ago · reply · retweet · favorite
teacherken The Famine Next Timedailykos.com/story/2011/11/… - I start w/ a NY Times op ed focusing on Horn of Africa and explore the issue more broadlyabout 1 hour ago · reply · retweet · favorite
teacherken 33 years ago today: we SHOULD rememberdailykos.com/story/2011/11/… - the assassination of George Moscone & Harvey Milk ( h/t @ZinnEdProject )24 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
EducationSee all

For-Profit Certification for Teachers Is Booming
nytimes.com - DENTON — One afternoon in mid-November, Jeff Arrington scattered 80 paper gingerbread men labeled with numbers across the floor of his high school disaster-response class. The numbers ...

Breaking the Cycle of Violence
utotherescue.blogspot.com - by Catherine M. Cole, Professor of Theater, Dance and Performance Studies, UC Berkeley Violence breeds violence. And that's why we must never tolerate violence at the university. UC Berkeley’s re...

Research that Counts (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out)
susanohanian.org - How Money Talks Susan Notes: The corporate and political entanglements of the Gates and Broad Foundations are well documented. The Wallace Foundation is not so well known but a study of its grant g...

SocietySee all
Why Did a UC Cop Draw His Gun Today? « Student Activism
studentactivism.net - A University of California police officer drew his gun and pointed it at students protesting meeting of the UC regents this morning, and the UC San Francisco police chief’s explanation as to why do...

Mayor Villaraigosa tells Occupy LA to quit it. Monday 1AM deadline. « Fred Klonsky
preaprez.wordpress.com - What’s the difference between a Democratic Party mayor’s response to Occupy Wall Street and a Republican mayor’s response to Occupy Wall Street? That’s no joke or riddle. One uses rubber bullets, t...

Naomi Wolfe on How the Feds and Oligarchs Teamed to Crush OWS
schoolsmatter.info - Naomi Wolfe on How the Feds and Oligarchs Teamed to Crush OWSWolfe, writing for the Guardian. Read it and wonder why, not, why the NYTimes or WaPo did not want this story: US citizens of all polit...
StoriesSee all
What Was The Best Education-Related Book You Read This Year?
larryferlazzo.edublogs.org - As I do every year, I’m asking that readers leave a comment with the title and author of their favorite education-related that they read this calendar year. In addition, I ask that they leave a sen...
The Mind’s Ear
nytimes.com - Morning commute in America. “I was fully conscious, but there were no more thoughts. Then I felt drawn into what seemed like a vortex of energy. . . . ” At the wheel of her Subaru, driving east on ...

Views of Disability: Seeing The World Through Another's Eyes
my.psychologytoday.com - I was still catching up with my own thoughts when my stepmother and I left the car and knocked on the door. The door opened, and in the dark interior, I saw the outline of a person. My stepmother...

PoliticsSee all
GOP Blows Up Yet Another Norm
motherjones.com - We all know that Republicans have done their best to hamstring President Obama's ability to get anything done via routine filibuster. That's old news. We also know that they've slow-walked his exec...

The return of Van Jones - Joseph Williams
politico.com - As an unabashed and high-profile liberal on President Barack Obama’s White House staff, former “green energy” czar Van Jones was to Republicans what a red cape is to a snorting bull: an irresistibl...

Money At The Top - NYTimes.com
krugman.blogs.nytimes.com - November 26, 2011, 5:33 pmA bit more on the subject of whether there’s significant money to be raised through higher taxes on the very rich. As it happens, there’s a recent analysis from the nonpar...
HealthSee all
Corporations Are Patenting Human Genes and Tissues -- Here's Why That's Terrifying |
alternet.org - A medical ethicist explains the dark implications of corporate medical patents and the nightmarish scenario of our medical-industrial complex. November 23, 2011 | LIKE THIS ARTICLE ? Join ...

Ocean Spray Craisins recalled because of metal fragments
vitals.msnbc.msn.com - By JoNel AlecciaOcean Spray is recalling certain lots of packaged and bulk original flavor Craisins -- sweetened dried cranberries -- because they may be contaminated with small, hairlike metal par...

Memo to Hanushek: 0.08 SD is very small
minddump.org - Hanushek, an economist, claims that the .08 standard deviation increase in student learning is not as insignificant as the report makes it sound. According to his calculations, the benefits of such...
Art & EntertainmentSee all
Occupy This: Miley Cyrus Takes a “Liberty Walk” in New Video
mileyonline.com - On her 19th birthday, Miley Cyrus made a very adult statement. Late Wednesday, Miley posted a video on the web of her song “Liberty Walk,” featuring news footage of the Occupy movement that has spr...

Tank - Diary of a Mad Man
djbooth.net - Artist:TankTitle:Diary of a Mad ManProducer: The ComposerAlbum:Diary of a Mad ManLabel:Atlantic RecordsTwitter:@TheRealTankWebsite:Tank's WebsiteAverage Rating: 4.0Total Ratings: 4Is it j...

Thick Curly & Natural Hair Accessories by BoutiqueDeBandeaux
etsy.com - Welcome to Boutique de Bandeaux! We specialize in handmade couture-inspired hair accessories for thick, curly, & kinky natural hair. We use vivid colors and over-sized pieces to ensure our accessor...

#edchatRead this paperSee all
Research that Counts (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out)
susanohanian.org - How Money Talks Susan Notes: The corporate and political entanglements of the Gates and Broad Foundations are well documented. The Wallace Foundation is not so well known but a study of its grant g...

The U.S. is getting it wrong on school reform
minddump.org - Surpassing Shanghai: An Agenda for American Education Built on the World's Leading Systems by Marc S. Tucker and colleagues takes benchmarking one step further. The systems of schooling in Shanghai...

Address Is Approximate - The Educator's PLN
edupln.com - The EETC Conference brings researchers, policy makers,administrators, educators, and practitioners together to present and discuss research and applications in the areas of preschool through elemen...

#owsSee all
Breaking the Cycle of Violence
utotherescue.blogspot.com - by Catherine M. Cole, Professor of Theater, Dance and Performance Studies, UC Berkeley Violence breeds violence. And that's why we must never tolerate violence at the university. UC Berkeley’s re...

Monday November 28 National Student Strike « Student Activism
studentactivism.net - As I mentioned last week, students at UC Davis and elsewhere have called for a national student general strike this coming Monday, November 28. (Monday is the day that the University of California ...

Occupy This: Miley Cyrus Takes a “Liberty Walk” in New Video
mileyonline.com - On her 19th birthday, Miley Cyrus made a very adult statement. Late Wednesday, Miley posted a video on the web of her song “Liberty Walk,” featuring news footage of the Occupy movement that has spr...

- KenMLibby
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