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Kansas School Unconstitutionally Disciplines Student For Criticizing Gov. Sam Brownback - In a blatant violation of the First Amendment, a public high school in Prairie Village, Kansas disciplined a student for speaking out against Gov. Sam Brownback (R-KS): Emma Sullivan, a senior at S...

When Good Intentions Make Us Stupid :: Frederick M. Hess - by Frederick M. Hess • Nov 16, 2011 at 9:38 amCross-posted from Education Week I was gone, there were any number of cl...

For-Profit Certification for Teachers Is Booming - DENTON — One afternoon in mid-November, Jeff Arrington scattered 80 paper gingerbread men labeled with numbers across the floor of his high school disaster-response class. The numbers ...

Educator Event at Victory Gardens Theater – CORE - Caucus of Rank-and - published at 9:18 pm Saturday, November 26, 2011 On December 8th from 5-7pm, educators are welcomed to Victory Gardens Biograph Theater, 2433 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago, for cocktails, snacks and a pr...

Bill Watkins Book Party and December Events - The Assault on Public Education CORE member and Professor William Watkins brings together some of the nation's leading scholars and activists, including Pauline Lipman, Ken Saltman, and Alfie ...

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EducationSee all

Oliver Sicat. The Closer. « Fred Klonsky - Oliver Sicat is 32 years old. He has been a teacher and a principal. This is one of the screwy things that has occurred in recent years. Some guy gets his teaching certification. He teaches in a cl...

Occupy L.A. offers a hands-on civics lesson for students, teachers - Who says history has to be about dead men and a dreary assortment of dates and names? For countless students and teachers, the Occupy L.A. encampment at City Hall has become a living classroom, a p...

Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: From a Teacher From a Teacher - Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: From a Teacher:From a TeacherA reader had asked Charlie about his plan to close the achievement gap. He had replied that he has made suggestions in the past bu...

SocietySee all
Mayor Villaraigosa tells Occupy LA to quit it. Monday 1AM deadline. « Fred Klonsky - What’s the difference between a Democratic Party mayor’s response to Occupy Wall Street and a Republican mayor’s response to Occupy Wall Street? That’s no joke or riddle. One uses rubber bullets, t...

Police and the Press - In many countries, using a camera or taking notes can get you into trouble. That is not supposed to happen in New York City. Yet as police cleared Occupy Wall Street protesters from Zuccotti Park i...

The Intelligent Investor: Why Bankers Should Be Grateful for Occupy Wall Street - This Thanksgiving weekend, Wall Street should say a prayer of gratitude for Occupy Wall Street. While some bankers and brokers have sympathized with or supported this ragtag protest movement, other...

StoriesSee all

EdTech Posse 7.2 - Really has it been almost 6 months since we last recorded? That's bad. But it's great to chat again with the posse. As an added bonus we took over #ds106radio and recorded it live. Alec, Heather, ...

Occupy LA: Sunday Night Eviction NOFX Plays Sunday at 3pm, Massive “Party” Called - Occupy LA has received their official, “Time To Go” notice from the city for midnight Monday morning, and many people, including the cops the mayor and the majority of Occupiers hope that whatever ...

crazy amazing single line spiral drawings - This awesome drawing is the work of Singaporean artist Chan Hwee Chong, who makes these crazy spiral illustrations reproducing some of the world's most famous works of art -- using only a single li...

PoliticsSee all
The return of Van Jones - Joseph Williams - As an unabashed and high-profile liberal on President Barack Obama’s White House staff, former “green energy” czar Van Jones was to Republicans what a red cape is to a snorting bull: an irresistibl...

Support Builds for a Plan to Rein In Medicare Costs - WASHINGTON — Though it reached no agreement, the special Congressional committee on deficit reduction built a case for major structural changes in Medicare that would limit the gove...

Obama Shops For Books With Daughters Sasha And Malia At Kramerbooks & Afterwords In Washington, DC - WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama has pitched in to help small businesses get into the holiday shopping season.The president took his daughters, Malia and Sasha, along on a shopping run to a book...

LeisureSee all

#OccuBenefit Concert: Dangerous Muse & Eva and Her Virgins on Dec 11th - Posted 48 minutes ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 4:30 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt On Sunday, December 11th we're throwing a benefit concert featuring Dangerous Muse & Eva and Her Virgins. The event will also f...

A child’s life of crime begins with a pack of gum and a bag of apricots? | Being Latino Online Magazine - A child’s life of crime begins with a pack of gum and a bag of apricots? | Being Latino Online Magazine:A child’s life of crime begins with a pack of gum and a bag of apricots?by Libby Juliá-Vázque...

The Bay Bridge, Through Artists Eyes - Courtesy Electric Works A group of around 20 Bay Area artists, curators and gallery owners scout the new Bay Bridge, currently in the midst of massive construction, on Friday, November 18, 2011 Mil...

EnvironmentSee all
Mayor looking to put ads in water bills, on vehicles - - Mayor Rahm Emanuel not only wants to sell ad space on bridge houses and trash cans, he's looking at stuffing corporate fliers in water bills, selling exclusive vending rights at city facilities and...

Lighting at home has real impact for those with Seasonal Affective Disorder - Friday, November 25, 2011 Last updated: Saturday November 26, 2011, 2:03 PM Now that the days are getting shorter, the reduction in natural daylight makes many of us feel glum. For those who suf...

#owsSee all
Police and the Press - In many countries, using a camera or taking notes can get you into trouble. That is not supposed to happen in New York City. Yet as police cleared Occupy Wall Street protesters from Zuccotti Park i...

Occupy L.A. offers a hands-on civics lesson for students, teachers - Who says history has to be about dead men and a dreary assortment of dates and names? For countless students and teachers, the Occupy L.A. encampment at City Hall has become a living classroom, a p...

Occupy Denver adds a youthful twist - From left, Zoe Chapman, 7, Kylie Clugh, 7, and Alexia Youell, 7, lead protesters in chants while walking down the 16th Street Mall during the ninth straight Saturday of Occupy Denver marches Nov. 2...