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State: Obama testing waiver will cost $3.1 billion | state, waiver, teacher - News - California would need to spend up to $3.1 billion to implement teacher evaluations, adopt new learning standards, purchase new textbooks and other costs before the state can qualify for a waiver fr...

Mr. Governor, Shut This School District Down! - Today’s story is about the 21st largest school district in the state of Ohio and how district leaders are working to attain financial success while being under attack on multiple fronts. I will no...

Charter schools' programs for the gifted, computer skills attract students - Why do parents choose charter schools over their own highly ranked districts?In some cases, they're enticed by sophisticated marketing from the for-profit companies behind Ohio's major charter chai...

The complex landscape of Ohio charter schools - Since the legislature opened the doors to charter schools in 1997, Ohio has become one of the top states in the number of schools and students.Around $720 million in tax money will flow to 355 Ohio...

How & Why a Democratic President Privatized Our School System « Same Subject, Continued - Barack Obama is presiding over the beginning of a process that will inexorably result in the privatization of our school system. That doesn’t meant of course that all of our schools will be owned b...

Occupy Wall St. on the attack on public education; & Santos Crespo asks, where's the money? - See this video from Occupy Wall St. about the attack on public education in NYC with testimony from laid-off DC37 school aide Cliftonia Johnson and investigative journalist Chris Hedges. For more ...

Oxford AASC: Guest Scholar - In 1968, Omaha Central High School became embroiled in the battle against segregation. In this guest editorial, journalist Steve Marantz discusses how that struggle continues in a different form to...

GoLocalProv | News | U.S. Education Secretary: RI has “Chance to get Better Faster” - Email to a friend PermalinkThursday, November 03, 2011Dan McGowan, GoLocalProv News Editor Praising the state for improving its test scores but noting that it still trails New England and much of...

Imagine schools' real estate deals fuel company growth - ST. LOUIS • When students first entered Imagine Academy of Academic Success four years ago, their school was already entangled in a complex series of real estate deals — ones that would divert doll...

Youth Homelessness on the Rise in Chicago - More than 10,000 homeless students are enrolled in Chicago’s classrooms this fall, a 16 percent increase over last year and a record high, according to Chicago Public Schools data for September. Th...

At school under scrutiny, students offer accounts of cheating - The test was a joke. That’s how several graduates of a Bronx high school under investigation for inflating test and graduation rates have characterized a Regents exam they took nearly two years ago...

Bill Gates' Big Play: How Much Can Money Buy in Education? - Living in Dialogue - What would happen if one of the wealthiest men in the world decided to remake the institution of public education in America? What if that man believed he understood the secrets to success, and sou...

Austin news, sports, weather, Longhorns, business - Home> Focal Point > Archives > 2011 > November > 04 > EntryBy Eric Dexheimer | Friday, November 4, 2011, 04:43 PM Last month, the state Board of Education granted its approval for two charter schoo...

TRS report raises questions about timing of pension vote - Rockford, IL - SPRINGFIELD -- The proposed overhaul of Illinois’ pension system could cost the state $62 billion more than the current system over the next three decades, according to a report prepared for the Te...

Why Teachers Must Become Community Organizers and Justice Fighters - Why Teachers Must Become Community Organizers and Justice Fighters Mark NaisonThere is a long history of Teacher Activism in the United States. In New York City, the tradition goes back to the lat...

Struggling Schools and the Problem with the "Shut It Down" Mentality - Sputnik - One of the solutions often proposed for schools in which students perform poorly is closing down the school. It's one of the four options required for schools to receive School Improvement Grants i...

Burdening Children With a Flawed Policy - Every fall, thousands of upper-middle-class parents here awake in night sweats, overcome by the anxiety of trying to get their children into costly and prestigious preschools. To say this, of cours...

State: Obama testing waiver will cost $3.1 billion | state, waiver, teacher - News - California would need to spend up to $3.1 billion to implement teacher evaluations, adopt new learning standards, purchase new textbooks and other costs before the state can qualify for a waiver fr...

Kaplan University feeds off taxpayers in myriad ways | - Kaplan University feeds off taxpayers in myriad ways | University feeds off taxpayers in myriad waysby Danny WeilI know that I have devoted a great deal of time covering Ka...

Occupy Detroit march draws hundreds of supporters - Source: Detroit NewsLast Updated: November 06. 2011 3:52PMOccupy Detroit march draws hundreds of supportersChristine Ferretti/ The Detroit NewsDetroit— A coalition of more than 400 union members, c...

More on Florida Charter Exec’s Troublesome Imagine Schools Empire | Scathing Purple Musings - More on Florida Charter Exec’s Troublesome Imagine Schools Empire | Scathing Purple Musings:More on Florida Charter Exec’s Troublesome Imagine Schools Empireby Bob SikesThe largest charter operator...

US history museums struggle to update exhibits - LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. — Robert Flacke Sr. can remember the days when Fort William Henry's multimedia exhibit consisted of two Kodak carousel-style color slide projectors that kept breaking down. AP I...

In an Era of Funding Darkness, Community Organizations Ally with Corporations, CEO’s « InterACT - In an Era of Funding Darkness, Community Organizations Ally with Corporations, CEO’s « InterACT:In an Era of Funding Darkness, Community Organizations Ally with Corporations, CEO’sby Martha Infante...

#ows Chronicle of Philanthropy’s Strange Promotion of Billionaire and Hedge Funder Meddling in Education Policy | Scathing Purple Musings - The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s Strange Promotion of Billionaire and Hedge Funder Meddling in Education Policy | Scathing Purple Musings:The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s Strange Promotion of Billion...

North Jersey school district bows to state pressure, cuts leader's pay - PARSIPPANY — School board members in a northern New Jersey town have voted to reduce their superintendent's salary by $43,000 after the state threatened to withhold $3.6 million in state aid. The ...

The personal learning network for educators - The Educator's PLN - Blogs - The Educator's PLN:Yawn,Yawn, Go Away! Little Johnny Wants to be Engaged!Lisa Mims at Everyone's Blog Posts - The Educator's PLN - 6 hours agoI sat with my small group today and listened to...

Portraits of the Occupiers of Occupy San Diego - Melissa Vega, 19. Photographs by San Diego U-T staff photographer K.C. AlfredEditor: Today’s San Diego U-T ran a nice series of portraits by Matthew T. Hall of seven of the occupiers of Occupy Sa...

Evaluating Ohio’s School Performance Measures « School Finance 101 - Any reader of my blog knows already that I’m a skeptic of the usefulness of Value-added models for guiding high stakes decisions regarding personnel in schools. As I’ve explained on previous occasi...

How Rick Scott’s Call for More STEM Education Helps Focus on Florida School’s Real Problem | Scathing Purple Musings - How Rick Scott’s Call for More STEM Education Helps Focus on Florida School’s Real Problem | Scathing Purple Musings:How Rick Scott’s Call for More STEM Education Helps Focus on Florida School’s Re...

Guess the Teacher: Two Months on the Job - How well do you know your teachers? Do they ever reveal personal details like where they went to school or their favorite songs, or is it strictly business in the classroom? For this feature, Rosem...

MPR’s Unfortunate Sidestepping around Money Questions in the Charter CMO Report « School Finance 101 - MPR’s Unfortunate Sidestepping around Money Questions in the Charter CMO Report « School Finance 101: MPR’s Unfortunate Sidestepping around Money Questions in the Charter CMO Report by schoo...

Half a Century of Order and Discipline for a Junior High Principal – SchoolBook - Nov. 6, 2011, 10:00 a.m. WNYC’s Yasmeen Khan Hear some of Madeleine Brennan’s reflections on leading a middle school, starting with what it’s like to work with young teenagers. For nearly 49 years,...

How Bill Gates throws his money around in education - The Answer Sheet - Thiswas written by educator Anthony Cody, who worked for 24 years in the Oakland schools, 18 years teaching science at a high-needs school and six years as a mentor and coach of teachers. He is a N...

Retired teachers continue to serve long after leaving classroom » Ventura County Star - The California Retired Teachers Association, Ventura County Division, marks this the second week of November as a time to honor retired teachers.In Ventura County, retired teachers continue their s...

The Best Visualizations Of Poverty In The U.S. & Around The World - Poverty is not an “excuse,” as some school reformers charge, but it is a challenge and a reality facing many of our students that has a huge effect on their learning (and our teaching). I thought i...

Today's Big Education Ape - PostRank Top Mid Day Posts #ows Today's Big Education Ape - PostRank Top Mid Day Posts #ows - Today's Big Education Ape - PostRank Top Mid Day Posts #ows Sunday links. « Fred Klonsky's blog Big Education Ape - PostRank (PostRank: All) - 3 minutes ago Sunday links. « Fred Klonsky's ...

New Charter Study by Mathematica With More Bad News for Corporate Ed Reform « Continuing Change - November 6, 2011 by gatorbonbcData about corporate charter schools…failures 2:1 ratio… Did you know the only school in our county to earn an F was a charter? Did you know that is true of many count...

Schools Matter: To improve reading in California: Let’s try the obvious - Sent to the Santa Monica Daily Press, November 5, 2011 California still ranks near the bottom of the country in fourth grade reading, according to the results of the national NAEP test, announced a...

Schools Matter: New Charter Study by Mathematica With More Bad News for Corporate Ed Reform - Schools Matter: New Charter Study by Mathematica With More Bad News for Corporate Ed Reform:New Charter Study by Mathematica With More Bad News for Corporate Ed Reformby Jim HornThe first national ...

How & Why a Democratic President Privatized Our School System « Same Subject, Continued #ows - How & Why a Democratic President Privatized Our School System « Same Subject, Continued:How & Why a Democratic President Privatized Our School System3112011Barack Obama is presiding over the beginn...

Reflection of School Year Goals #1 « Outside the Cave - At the beginning of the year, I set a number of goals for myself, one of which was to reflect on said goals every two months. My first reflections are in italics below. Following on the heels of my...

Weekend News Roundup for Nov. 5-6, 2011 - Word of the Day: Balloons Bob Ingle explains why so many young people get turned off to politics Ingle says maybe it's because they watch somebody like Vin Gopal - hardworking businessman, APP-endo...

With A Brooklyn Accent: Why Teachers Must Become Community Organizers and Justice Fighters #ows Why Teachers Must Become Community Organizers and Justice Fighters - With A Brooklyn Accent: Why Teachers Must Become Community Organizers and Justice Fighters:Why Teachers Must Become Community Organizers and Justice FightersWhy Teachers Must Become Community Organ...

Teaching - The Educator's PLN - I sat with my small group today and listened to my students, and smiled. They had finished sharing their writing prompt about an imagined device that would make their lives easier. I listened to s...

Thinking differently about time on task - Thinking differently about time on task:Thinking differently about time on taskby Susan HeaddenMore time on task — growing evidence, along with simple common sense, shows that the more hours studen...

Onward & Upward - Arlington, VA, United States, ASCD EDge Blog post - Onward & Upward - Arlington, VA, United States, ASCD EDge Blog post:Onward & Upward Colleagues who have known me over the yeas ask, “Walter, what’s up? Why is ASCD supporting the Common Core State...

Education Report: Readers respond to role of teachers in Occupy Oakland movement - San Jose Mercury News #ows - Education Report: Readers respond to role of teachers in Occupy Oakland movement - San Jose Mercury News:Education Report: Readers respond to role of teachers in Occupy Oakland movementBy Katy Murp...

Last Week's Best Posts on Big Education Ape » PostRank #OCCUPYTOGETHER #ows #OCCUPYWALLSTREET #sosmarch #p2 #1u - Last Week's Best Posts on Big Education Ape » PostRank Hide7.9 "Tests" for Kindergarteners? - Dana Goldstein 2011-Nov-4 "Tests" for Kindergarteners? - Dan...

NJEA: Meaningful reform is more than evaluation, tenure | - NJEA: Meaningful reform is more than evaluation, tenure | Meaningful reform is more than evaluation, tenurePublished: Sunday, November 06, 2011, 7:23 AMBy Star-Ledger Guest Columnist B...

Shaking up the status quo in L.A. schools - Six million, give or take. That's how many children are in public school in California.Arguably, we won't have a strong economic future if they don't get a good education.But boy, do the grown-ups ...