The Vindication Of P.S. 84 Part I
I was inspired to get to the bottom of the New York City school progress report grades after reading this story from the New York Times Schoolbook website about P.S. 84 which was one of the thirty F rated schools this year despite seeming to be a very good school.
To understand and analyze the accuracy of the 26 calculations that go into the final score, from 0 to 100, which then gets translated into a letter grade of A, B, C, D, or F, requires a math major, which, fortunately, I was.
I’ve learned, and will attempt to fully explain in this and future posts, three major flaws in the system that make the progress score completely invalid. Two things I hope to accomplish with this are 1) To make the staff, students, and parents of students at P.S. 84 feel better and have