Published by Coopmike48 – 3 news spotters today
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E4E: 3000 Members, 2900 Don't Show - Walcott And Crew Appearance at E4E Event Failed to Bring Out Troops How the Corporate Right Divided Blacks from Teachers Unions and Each Other NYC Educator: A Fine Day for a Sellout Is Tenure a Strike Issue?Moskowitz - An embarrassed Sydney Morris blamed "transportation issues" for the low turnout.DFER was late getting E4E transport supportSouth Bronx School Extensive Reporting on E4E I've been staying away from ...

Educators4Excellence Structure And Financials Revealed - We here at SBSB pride ourselves at being at the forefront of information. We leave no stone unturned to find the truth. So it was with great pride when the crack team recieved some inside informati...

Report: Officials scuttled charter school contract - PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A state lawmaker and the head of the Philadelphia school board held a "Godfather"-like secret meeting in an effort to oust an education company from a local high school and repl...

Bridging Differences - Education Week - Dear Diane,It would be interesting to know what influenced the change of heart among those civil rights organizations, Diane. I've been exploring in my head—while I do my daily laps in the pond—wha...

For the Record: Teacher layoffs, race and enrollment | catalyst - As the Chicago Teachers Union struck back at CPS over the longer-day issue Friday, claiming 115 schools nixed the plan in straw polls, it also sought to highlight the disproportionate effect of thi...

Save Our Schools March NEWS is out! ▸ Top stories today via @mikeklonskyabout 1 minute ago · reply · retweet · favorite
The Innovative Educator: What's Popular This Week on The Innovative Educator #Edu2 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
Bob Dylan Assembles ‘The Lost Notebooks of Hank Williams’ - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
EducationSee all
Chicago schools to cut 200 office jobs to save $16 million - Chicago Sun - BY ROSALIND ROSSI Education Reporter/ September 22, 2011 8:08PM Twenty-four “area offices” have been consolidated into 18 offices under CEO Jean-Claude Brizard. | John H. White~S...

The 'Texas Miracle' - CBS News - February 11, 2009 8:18 PM By Rebecca Leung (CBS) It was called the "Texas Miracle," a phrase you may remember because President Bush wanted everyone to know about it during his 2000 presidential c...

NASSP Applauds President's Announcement of NCLB Relief - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 23, 2011 Contact: Bob Farrace, NASSP NASSP APPLAUDS PRESIDENT'S ANNOUNCEMENT OF NCLB RELIEF Reston, VA—NASSP Executive Director JoAnn ...

BusinessSee all
The Wealthiest 5% Grabbed Most of the America’s Gains - The Wealth Report - By Robert FrankAfter my last post on the national income pie, many readers asked about wealth, i.e. accumulated assets. A new chart from the Economic Policy Institute, using data from NYU Economist...

‘Right to work’: The wrong answer for Michigan’s economy - Right-to-work law wrong for Michigan’s economy Michigan should not adopt a right-to-work law in an attempt to address its economic challenges, a new Economic Policy Institute paper finds. In ‘Righ...

PoliticsSee all

Gov. Rick Scott Brags About Laying Off 15,000 Government Workers After Decrying Florida’s High Unemployment - The GOP presidential candidates and other prominent conservatives spoke today at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Florida. This afternoon, Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) took to the s...

SocietySee all
Defender gets it right on Rahm's longer school day scam - An editorial in the Chicago Defender, "Breaking the Teachers Union" blasts the mayor's longer-school-day campaign. Though the district is trying to close a $200 million budget deficit, and has rene...

Art & EntertainmentSee all

Glenn Beck Says Levi’s Ad ‘Glorifies Revolution’ -- Daily Intel - Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images No longer on Fox News at the 5 o'clock hour, it's easier to ignore Glenn Beck's wacky ramblings now, but that's not as much fun. Today he rallied his die-hard Internet...

#edreformRead this paperSee all

Michelle Rhee’s Legacy Continues To Unravel - The Post reports that 75 teachers fired by former Chancellor of Schools Michelle Rhee may be reinstated, and given $7.5 million in back pay. The District's Public Employees Relations Board upheld a...

#edchatRead this paperSee all

Michelle Rhee’s Legacy Continues To Unravel - The Post reports that 75 teachers fired by former Chancellor of Schools Michelle Rhee may be reinstated, and given $7.5 million in back pay. The District's Public Employees Relations Board upheld a...

Editor's note
Save Our Schools March & National Call to Action!