No Child Left Behind - What Should It Be Called Now?
I do want to write up a thread on No Child Left Behind. The poor program is now in a bit of a netherworld limbo as Congress decides what the heck to do with it (they haven't reauthorized it since 2007).
In the meantime, Arne Duncan is preparing to allow states waivers from AYP (annual yearly progress) as many states would have whole districts that are completely failing under it.
According to Duncan, the law has encouraged states to lower their standards. For example, he said, congressional inaction allowed a state like Tennessee to delude itself into deeming 91 percent of its students as
In the meantime, Arne Duncan is preparing to allow states waivers from AYP (annual yearly progress) as many states would have whole districts that are completely failing under it.
According to Duncan, the law has encouraged states to lower their standards. For example, he said, congressional inaction allowed a state like Tennessee to delude itself into deeming 91 percent of its students as