Teachers end week of protests
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Linda Seeman, who teaches at Hayward's Cherryland Elementary School, joins other teachers at Civic Center Plaza protesting statewide cuts to education.
(05-13) 21:13 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- Teachers who rallied Friday to protest looming state budget cuts had a message that was sometimes plaintive, like a San Bruno third-grade instructor's sign that declared, "I will work for pencils."
"Teachers are paying for basic supplies. ...They're taking away money every year," said Lisa Gemma, who teaches 27 multilingual students at Belle Air School in San Bruno - where, she added, "we're out of pencils and eraser tops."
"They cut the school year five days. They laid off the librarian. We're fighting for our lives," said Deborah Waggoner, a third-grade teacher at Cinnabar School in Petaluma. At 51, she said she had never before attended a political rally, but decided it was "time to
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/05/13/MNSN1JG6F4.DTL#ixzz1ML6biblN