Teacher – unfairly extended – fires back
A middle school teacher was offered tenure by her principal – until the superintendent forced him to reverse the offer. The teacher absolutely refused to sign the extension of probation agreement (actually, I wish she would sign, as unfair as it is, so she could keep her job… but she feels strongly, and with some reason). This is part of something happening citywide – teachers are being denied tenure, having their probations extended, en masse.
The teacher wrote to her superintendent. Here is the letter:
(the teacher is ok with revealing school and name, but that will wait for the next post; I’ve omitted identifying information – jd)
Dear [Superintendent],
We barely know each other. You visited my classroom last year and observed a lesson of mine. You actually wrote that visit up as one of the few positive things you said about our school in that year’s quality review. I saw you again this year for a brief moment as you walked into my classroom as I was rushing out for a meeting.
I really regretted that I wasn’t able to stay while you were visiting. If I had, I would have been able to show you