LAO: Don’t tie budget to voters
Leg analyst also opposes plan to cut CALPADSMac Taylor smiled a lot on Thursday during his press conference to discuss Gov. Brown’s May budget revise. The State Legislative Analyst was in the unusual position of agreeing with quite a bit of the spending proposal. “We think it has many positives,” said Taylor, and gave the governor “credit for a budget that addresses the operating shortfall we’ve been struggling with.”
Specifically, the Leg Analyst called the plan to pay down school deferrals with the unexpected tax revenues a “wise use of the funds,” adding that “we would commend him for that proposal.” Brown’s revised budget plan would use $2.5 billion of the increased Proposition 98 guarantee to rescind an upcoming $2.2 billion deferral and to start paying down those already accrued. The Legislative Analyst’s Office report, Overview of the May Revision, also