Big Education Ape: Ed News Now - Aaron Showalter for News Parents and students rallied in support of New York City schools on Thursday afternoon in lower Manhattan. The city plans to lay off 4,100 teachers this year, and $1 billio...

leoniehaimson - Notions of academic independence gained a fresh twist recently, when the new Freedom Center found a home on the UA campus.The center's website ( opens with a two-lane b...

leoniehaimson - Yesterday I posted some concerns about the recent decision by leaders of the National Education Association to seek an early endorsement of President Obama at their Representative Assembly (RA) mee...

DianeRavitch - There was a sense of relief at nine low-performing city high schools on Thursday as the city’s Department of Education announced they would not be closed next year. The decisions came after months ...

DianeRavitch - At last summer’s NEA convention in New Orleans the delegates voted no confidence in Obama’s Education Secretary Arne Duncan. At this summer’s NEA convention in Chicago the delegates will be asked t...

fklonsky - Report on Renaissance Schools is out | Philadelphia Public School NotebookReport on Renaissance Schools is outby Erika OwensThe District just announced the release of an Accountability Review Counc...

coopmike48 - Schools Matter: Former KIPP Teachers: Share Your StoryFormer KIPP Teachers: Share Your Storyby Jim HornI am very much interested in talking with former KIPP teachers who may want to take part in an...

coopmike48 - Bill Allen: California Struggles to Out-Dumb TexasBill Allen: California Struggles to Out-Dumb Texasby Bill AllenFor those who felt confident that Texas holds a comfortable lead in dumbest assaults...

Media12 - An Urban Teacher's Education: Responding to The New York Times and Corporate Reform BiasResponding to The New York Times and Corporate Reform Biasby The Reflective EducatorTuesday, The New York Tim...

coopmike48 - Open Letter to Pres. Obama: This is What Standardized Testing “Looks” Like! « Diary of a Public School Teacher!Open Letter to Pres. Obama: This is What Standardized Testing “Looks” Like!Dear Presid...

coopmike48 - Since Blogger has been down for 2 days, I am posting my Friday FUs late in the day. My first FU goes out to the Illinois Legislature for passing SB7, the most anti-teacher, anti-union piece of legi... ![]() ![]() mikeklonsky | - SACRAMENTO, Calif.—More than two dozen California teachers, including the president of the state's largest teachers union, were arrested at the state Capitol Thursday night as part of a protest ove... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - Mistretta/Getty Judith Hederman, the executive director of the DOE's division of financial operations, resigned amid a corruption investigation. A Department of Education executive who supervised a... ![]() ![]() leoniehaimson | - Meredith Attwell Baker, one of two Republicans on the Federal Communications Commission, was not on Comcast’s payroll when she voted to approve its controversial acquisition of NBC Universal, the t...

fklonsky - When he was 21, Ernest “Rip” Patton made out his will. He didn’t have much beyond an old set of drums he used in the jazz club gigs that helped him pay his way through college. He willed them to hi...

mikeklonsky - Published at 5:14 pm, May 13, 2011 Photo Credits: Social Security Benefits Remain a Vital Source of Retirement Income for Latinos New report by the University of Southern California (USC) Edward R.... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - Michael McIntosh testifies at Mississippi hearing in January 2011.(Southern Poverty Law Center) Mike McIntosh II, 21, used to be a vibrant athlete who loved doing kick flips on his skateboard, scor... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - In our fast-paced world, a celebrity is created virtually every minute. But there are few musical celebrities with a legacy as enduring as that of Nesta Robert "Bob" Marley. Today marks the 30th an...

coopmike48 - tweetmeme_url = ''; tweetmeme_source = 'coolcatteacher'; We don't know why so many intelligent, smart young lad...

coopmike48 - May 13, 2011 | Posted At: 04:10 PM | Author: Alexander Russo | Category: Foundation Follies , Media Watch Fritter away the last of the workweek by fast forwarding to minute 51:00 to see some heated...

coopmike48 - The Department of Education's chief of financial operations has quit amid a probe into her relationship with a contractor under investigation for overbilling, sources told The Post. Judith Hederman... ![]() ![]() leoniehaimson | - You are already following SCHL NEW YORK, May 11, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Scholastic (NASDAQ: SCHL), the global children's publishing, education and media company, was named by Internet Retailer ...

mikeklonsky - The trustees report for Social Security and Medicare shows that the slow recovery out of the Great Recession continues to damage the finances of the safety net programs. Expect every Republican in ...

coopmike48 - Coal Industry Attempts to Muddy School Curriculum « MomsRising BlogCoal Industry Attempts to Muddy School Curriculumby Elisa BatistaI have been writing a lot about air quality as part of my work wi...

coopmike48 - Source: Mainichi Daily NewsFukushima schoolchildren's radiation exposure estimated at half of upper limitA worker from the Japan Atomic Energy Agency measures radiation levels in a sandbox at the F...

coopmike48 - Amy Zzz1/Flickr By June 10, nuclear power plant operators must verify under oath that they have updated and adopted additional safety and equipment procedures mandated by the Nuclear Regulatory Com...

#42 - Mike KlonskyBTW, Scholastic (NASDAQ: SCHL) is #4 retailer in the U.S. Biggest sellers of dirty coal and Arne Duncan post from 2011-05-13T13:44:5...
