California is in “A State of Emergency” over the drastic cuts that are hurting our public schools, colleges and communities. The Legislature’s failure to pass a state budget that protects basic, essential services is destroying our future. That’s why CTA is asking educators, students and parents to participate in a series of bold actions during the week of May 9-13, including a sit-in at the State Capitol building in Sacramento and several regional rallies in order to pressure lawmakers to pass a budget that includes tax extensions to protect schools, colleges and essential public services from further cuts. Why? California schools have been cut by $18 BILLION in the last three years and we now face another $4 billion. We may lose 20,000 teachers this year, on top of the 30,000 we’ve lost in the past three years. Our class sizes are outrageous. Our instruction days are being eliminated. Our counselors are disappearing. Our arts, our music, our PE, our athletic programs are gone or going. Our library books are deteriorating. We’ve given everything, and can’t give any more! It’s not fair to our students or to our communities. It’s time to take a stand. Use the L.E.A.R.N. acronym to plan your activities for the week. COME STAND WITH US! BE A PART OF THE MOVEMENT! L.E.A.R.N. and SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! · Monday, May 9 – Focus on LEGISLATIVE activities · Tuesday, May 10 – Reach out to EVERY parent · Wednesday, May 11 – Use Day of the Teacher to APPRECIATE educators and ALLIES · Thursday, May 12 – Promote the need for REVENUE for schools and educate our members and the community about tax fairness · Friday, May 13 – It’s NOT BUSINESS AS USUAL. Attend a rally in Sacramento, the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, Fresno, Inland Empire, San Diego and Palm Springs to voice and support tax extensions to prevent deeper cuts. WHAT YOU CAN DO! · Share this flier with your colleagues! · Use posters, fliers, buttons and other resources to get everyone informed and on board! · Use e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, etc. to reach as many people as possible! |
Trump's Day One Executive Orders
Day One of Trump 2.0 was full of shock and awful, precisely what we had
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