Teachers: Send teacherken To National Blogging Conference
One of the nation's top classroom teacher bloggers, Ken Bernstein, needs your vote to go to the Netroots Nation blog conference this year -- and I don't think you even have to agree with him in particular to support the effort. Click below to read the details, or skip all that and click here to vote for him. He's leading the pack right now but needs your support against the hordes of others. It's free.
As you know I do a lot of blogging, albeit not only on education.
There is a national bloggers (and others) conference each summer. The first was in Las Vegas in 2006 and then (and the next year) was called Yearly Kos. Since 2008 it has been called Netroots Nation. I went to the first four, leading panels the first three, the first two years on education, the third on young people in politics. The fourth year I simply attended to I could go to other panels. Among my panelists on education were then Governor Tom Vilsack of Iowa, then Commissioner of Education of Nebraska Doug Christensen, Jamie Vollmer, Marion Brady, and Prof. Sherman Dorn.
Last year I did not go, because the event conflicted with my volunteering at a free medical-dental clinic in Wise, Virginia, in Appalachia, co-sponsored by Stan Brock's Remote Area Medical and the Virginia Dental