Paranoid Michelle Rhee blames her "enemies" for cheating report
Paranoid Michelle Rhee blames her "enemies" for cheating report
A Nixonian response from the former D.C. schools chancellor to news of statistical anomalies in her success stories
By Alex Pareene
Tuesday, Mar 29, 2011 16:10 ET
Reuters/Hyungwon Kang
Former Washington, D.C., schools chancellor Michelle Rhee, champion of "education reform," is a right-wing folk hero because while working for the public she combined corporatist policy with open contempt for the public. An ostensible Democrat, she now advises Republican governors on how best to battle the nefarious teachers' unions, which, in her reckoning, are almost solely responsible for poor student performance. Her solutions to the "education crisis" mostly involve the privatization of public schools. Her qualifications, besides having all the currently fashionable opinions, are her successes as head of Washington's schools. Test scores increased