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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sacramento: Center of the Education Reform Universe | Intercepts

Sacramento: Center of the Education Reform Universe | Intercepts

Sacramento: Center of the Education Reform Universe

Ha ha! The last laugh is on you, all of you deluded education policy wonks who have spent years in DC, attending each other’s catered lectures and panels, sipping wine spritzers and noshing on seafood hors d’oeuvres.

I’ve noticed your thinly disguised disdain as you’ve asked, “Sacramento? How far is that from Palo Alto?” You’ve delighted in noticing our basketball team is even worse than the Wizards. The Wizards!

For weeks the rumors swirled. She’s in line for New York City. No, she’s headed for New Jersey. No, Florida. But love, it seems, has conquered all.

With a rollout in Newsweek and on Oprah, Michelle Rhee announced the launch of Students First, “a movement