Education Reform Takes Center Stage in Fight for Suburban State Senate Seat PubliCola: It’s a Republican candidate for the state Senate, investor and consultant Gregg Bennett, who’s running on Democratic President Barack Obama’s education reform platform in the 48th Legislative District (Bellevue, Redmond) this year...
Global firm to pay Montgomery, Md., schools millions for elementary curriculum Washington Post: Montgomery County Public Schools could soon become a global brand..
Pa. district teachers set to strike for 2nd time Boston Globe: Teachers in the McGuffey School District in southwestern Pennsylvania plan to strike for the second time this school year because the school board has rejected their latest contract proposal...
Fla. District Puts 1,305 on Layoff List EdWeek: The Broward school district delivered pink slips to 568 teachers and 737 noninstructional employees in an effort to close a $130 million budget shortfall...
For-Profit Colleges Fight Limits On Student Loans NPR: For-profit colleges are lobbying to kill new regulations designed to hold down student debt loads...
CBS's Bob Schieffer replacing Helen Thomas as Whitman High graduation speaker Washington Post: Walt Whitman High School has chosen veteran CBS journalist Bob Schieffer to replace Helen Thomas as its commencement speaker next week after the longtime White House correspondent-columnist bowed out of the engagement amid controversy over inflammatory comments she made about Israel and Palestine...
Durbin wans DC probe on misuse of federal money The district also spent that at least $200,000 on airline tickets and hotels, as well as $10,000 for original artwork, including $4,000 for a "historical quilt."