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Friday, May 21, 2010

Eduflack: Are Our High Schools Becoming Glee-ful?

Eduflack: Are Our High Schools Becoming Glee-ful?

Are Our High Schools Becoming Glee-ful?

I'll admit it, I'm a Gleek. I love the Fox show, Glee. I've taken the Facebook quiz (and learned I am most like Rachel). I posted last fall's Single Ladies/football scene to my FB page, I loved this week's Les Miz nod, and I'm even looking forward to next week's Lady Gaga homage. I even have a running list of those songs and/or performers I want to see covered by the Glee kids.

And it doesn't appear that I am alone. The number of Gleeks out there seems to be increasing exponentially, and many of them are surprises (I'm guessing a few will be surprised that Eduflack is such a fan). After a year, we are reminded of the enormous value of a high school glee club, the role music can play in student development, self-esteem, and other qualitative measures we expect to see from our schools. So it begs the question, is Glee having any impact on school budgets and priorities?