Are Our High Schools Becoming Glee-ful?
I'll admit it, I'm a Gleek. I love the Fox show, Glee. I've taken the Facebook quiz (and learned I am most like Rachel). I posted last fall's Single Ladies/football scene to my FB page, I loved this week's Les Miz nod, and I'm even looking forward to next week's Lady Gaga homage. I even have a running list of those songs and/or performers I want to see covered by the Glee kids.
And it doesn't appear that I am alone. The number of Gleeks out there seems to be increasing exponentially, and many of them are surprises (I'm guessing a few will be surprised that Eduflack is such a fan). After a year, we are reminded of the enormous value of a high school glee club, the role music can play in student development, self-esteem, and other qualitative measures we expect to see from our schools. So it begs the question, is Glee having any impact on school budgets and priorities?
And it doesn't appear that I am alone. The number of Gleeks out there seems to be increasing exponentially, and many of them are surprises (I'm guessing a few will be surprised that Eduflack is such a fan). After a year, we are reminded of the enormous value of a high school glee club, the role music can play in student development, self-esteem, and other qualitative measures we expect to see from our schools. So it begs the question, is Glee having any impact on school budgets and priorities?