Governor Schwarzenegger submitted his revised budget May 14th and the only good thing about it is that it’s his last one. The “Governator” has made one final effort to destroy as many social programs as possible including public education where he is cutting the K-12 budget anywhere from just under $900 million to $1.5 billion, depending on who’s counting. And even with higher education, although he technically kept his bizarre pledge to increase funding for this sector, he did so at the cost of increased student fees, which can only reduce the overall effect.
The California Budget Project (CBP) has provided an immediate “quick and dirty”analysis of the Governor’s proposal, which they are updating regularly. This offers an overview of each area of the cuts, how they compare to the January budget, if and how conditions have changed, an assessment of assumptions embedded in both budgets, and a clear statement of how the cuts will affect
The California Budget Project (CBP) has provided an immediate “quick and dirty”analysis of the Governor’s proposal, which they are updating regularly. This offers an overview of each area of the cuts, how they compare to the January budget, if and how conditions have changed, an assessment of assumptions embedded in both budgets, and a clear statement of how the cuts will affect