Latest News and Comment from Education

Thursday, April 8, 2010 | News. Investigation. Analysis. Conversation. Intelligence. | News. Investigation. Analysis. Conversation. Intelligence.

Bright and Early: The Education Newsblitz
I can't get over how awesome this kid is. Her message: Don't underestimate us. Duly noted. Now for your newsblitz!
We followed up on our story about discipline at Innovations Academy with some extra bitsthat landed on the cutting room floor -- and a letter from an extremely happy mom.
The Union-Tribune reports that the Grossmont school board is holding off on revoking the Helix charter after the school got a new board. The editorial board opines that Grossmont should just drop it.
Also in the UT: Twenty Sweetwater teachers who were facing layoffs got a reprieve, but 85 are still on the chopping block.
KPBS delves more into why parents are spending more time with their children, according to two local economists, but it's not necessarily quality time.
Grade schoolers in Escondido are using iPod Touches to help with their schoolwork, the North County Times writes.
The Sacramento Bee reports that school districts are taking out loans -- and paying the price -- because California is delaying its payments to schools.
This is what happens when parents with Hollywood connections face school budget cuts: Megan Fox stars in a video that needles Gov. Schwarzenegger about the cuts, the Los