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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This Week In Education HotSeat: Rick Hess, Revisited

This Week In Education

HotSeat: Rick Hess, Revisited

Rick hessThe last time Rick Hess submitted to a HotSeat interview was back in the dark ages of the internet (ie, 2006). Lots has changed since then and Hess has a book coming out next week so it seemed about time to check back in with the irascible and indefatigable AEI scholar. As you'll see, Hess hates NCLB more than RTTT. He's concerned about the current overemphasis on turnarounds and thinks that timid school leaders are as much a problem as union contracts. He modulates his thinking but says he doesn't flip-flop like Petrilli or Ravitch. He blogs, but he doesn't read your blog (and he claims he's not interested in Twitter). In contrast to his recent blog posts Hess comes off as sort of mellow (think Jeff Bridges) and doesn't seem to mind being made gentle fun of for his fancy

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