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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

TeachFor.Us � Gary Rubinstein’s TFA Blog � Teaching as leadership critique part IX

TeachFor.Us � Gary Rubinstein’s TFA Blog � Teaching as leadership critique part IX:
By a somewhat frustrated 1991 alum

Teaching as leadership critique part IX

Now that I’ve finished the entire book, including all the appendices, I’d like to make some conclusions and final reflections for any new teachers reading the book and especially for new TFA CMs.
I think that one of the central themes of the book is that effective teachers know how to be efficient with the one resource that nobody ever has enough of – time. There are only so many hours in a day to do all the things teachers need to and no matter how ‘relentless’ you are, that number of hours is a constant defined by physics.
To be an effective new teacher, you have to know how to prioritize your time during the school year. While you are training, this summer, you also have to know how to prioritize your time so that you make the most of the five week institute.
Here is where TFA has been inconsistent. They outline six principles and then they are never that explicit about which ones