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Monday, April 19, 2010

CNN Town Hall on Fixing America’s Schools – Blog

CNN Town Hall on Fixing America’s Schools – Blog

CNN Town Hall on Fixing America’s Schools

CNN Town Hall on Fixing America’s Schools
Secretary Arne Duncan answered questions about standardized testing, the cost of college, and other topics last week in Atlanta in an education town hall with parents, teachers, and students.
CNN sponsored the town hall, “Fixing America’s Schools,” which was hosted by CNN news anchor and reporter Don Lemon. The program was videotaped at Carver Early College High School.
A high school teacher expressed concern that “we are raising a nation of test-takers” and asked how the Administration’s proposals for improving the Elementary and Secondary Education Act would address the situation. A student asked about programs for youth in trouble with the law. And a parent wondered about federal assistance for college in a time of steadily increasing tuition costs.
One former Atlanta teacher in the audience wanted to know how we can encourage educators to go “outside the box and be creative in their teaching so they can reach all needs of the students.”
“I think teachers are unsung heroes,” Secretary Duncan answered. “The vast majority of teachers do an extraordinary job and are working unbelievably hard. We need to do a much better job of supporting those teachers, mentoring them, providing meaningful professional development, meaningful career ladders.”
The program was taped on Friday, April 16, and broadcast on Saturday and Sunday, April 17 and 18.
For video excerpts, go to CNN’s website at and