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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Voices of Concerned Educators: Who Will Take A Stand? [Monise Seward] — The Jose Vilson

Voices of Concerned Educators: Who Will Take A Stand? [Monise Seward] — The Jose Vilson

Voices of Concerned Educators: Who Will Take A Stand? [Monise Seward]

by MONISE on MARCH 25, 2010 · 0 COMMENTS


Jaime Escalante

A few weeks ago @billcelis, one of my Twitter friends (still trying to adjust to ‘follower’) posted an article about notable educator Jaime Escalante, the main character in ‘Stand and Deliver.’ I am sure that every educator has seen the movie at least once; I think my count is closer to ten. Anyway, here is alink to the article. Mr. Escalante is very ill; he has been battling cancer for some time now. I was saddened by his story for a number of reasons. First, it appears that he is really suffering and may be near the end of his life. His family is also having a difficult time covering his medical expenses. But I was truly saddened for selfish reasons.

When he is gone, who will take his place?

I don’t mean who will be the next Jaime Escalante, per se, but really, who will be the next educator, parent, politician, etc. to take that type of stand for our kids? After all, he fought to teach his students the higher-level math