UC Davis chancellor vows to make campus 'hate free'
Published: Thursday, Mar. 25, 2010 - 12:00 am | Page 2B
Chancellor Linda Katehi said Wednesday that she wants to make UC Davis a "hate-free campus" and announced a series of efforts to combat bias and intolerance.
Speaking to UC's governing Board of Regents in San Francisco, Katehi and two other UC chancellors described recent events that have rocked their campuses: swastikas and anti-gay graffiti at UC Davis; a noose, KKK symbols and a party mocking black history month at UC San Diego; and the arrest of students who disrupted a speech by an Israeli ambassador at UC Irvine.
Regents made no policy decisions but devoted more than three hours to discussing the events, allowing students to vent their hurt and campus administrators to present plans of action. Christopher Edley, dean of the Boalt Hall law school at UC Berkeley and a renowned expert on
Read more: http://www.sacbee.com/2010/03/25/2632090/uc-davis-chancellor-vows-to-make.html#ixzz0jCHGRpTF