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Thursday, January 28, 2010 | News. Investigation. Analysis. Conversation. Intelligence. - The Advisory Committee That Didn't Advise | News. Investigation. Analysis. Conversation. Intelligence. - The Advisory Committee That Didn't Advise

Nellie Meyer looked over the charts loaded with numbers on San Diego State's enrollment and admissions, trying to understand what they meant for the teens in San Diego classrooms.
It was September 2009. San Diego State was abruptly changing its admissions rules and Meyer was supposed to weigh in as part of a special committee. Under a longstanding policy, the university had to consult with the group if it wanted to roll out the changes on short notice.
But Meyer, who represented San Diego Unified schools, wasn't sure what the changes would mean. She had never seen the numbers before. And it was almost too late for Meyer to make any suggestions. The changes were going into effect the next day. By the time the San Diego Unified school board weighed in two weeks later, condemning the changes as unfair to local students, they were already done.
It wasn't supposed to be this way. After a similar San Diego State controversy