The Educated Guess � Charter summit Saturday in San Jose
If you’re within 50 miles of San Jose on Saturday, consider attending the Charter Summit at the Santa Clara County Office of Education. Along with fostering frank dialogue between charter leaders and district officials on the issues that divide and could potentially unify them, the summit will include a return to California appearance by keynote speaker Russlynn Ali, President Obama’s assistant secretary of education for civil rights and former director of Education Trust-West, along with remarks by Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell and state Secretary of Education Glen Thomas.
County school trustees have organized the event, which will include panel discussion and breakout sessions on charter school facilities and finances, the role of competition and flexibility in public education and best practices that district and charter schools can share.
The goal is a better understanding and collaboration between what’s often viewed as rivals. More than 200 people are expected to attend.
The summit will run from 8:30 to 4 p.m. at the county office, 1290 Ridder Park Drive, in San Jose (right off Interstate 880 in North San Jose).
The cost is $40. Go here for a schedule and details. You can register online or at the door. I’ll be moderating one of the panel discussions.
New Parent Group for Seattle Option Schools
A group of Option School parents have formed a new group, the Seattle
Student Options Coalition. The group also encourages teachers and
interested commun...
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